Chapter 575 Secret Contact
The Tao family's site is located in the outer city, and it is also a villa area, but compared to the previous Jun's site, it is still much smaller. Only three villas belong to the Tao family.

In order to protect Tao Haolin's safety, the two brothers and sisters of the Tao family deliberately led a team to live around Tao Haolin.And because of this, the possibility of Luo Xiaran being discovered was also avoided.

After all, entering someone else's sphere of influence without permission would be considered a provocation.Now that the atmosphere in the Kyoto base is tense, no one will attack Tao Haolin, an insignificant person, first.

What's more, because the daughters of the Ming family's generation are eyeing Tao Hang, other forces are waiting and watching, so they will not rush to attack the Tao family's place.But the words of the Ming family are not sure.

In order to avoid being noticed by the Ming family, Luo Xiaran stayed safely in the bedroom prepared for her by the Tao family.Drinking tea, eating fruits, exercising and exercising supernatural powers every day, life is leisurely and leisurely.

Luo Xiaran didn't use cosmetics as a disguise because she was in the room.And in this way, even if someone breaks in, Luo Xiaran can use psychic powers to confuse what the other party sees.

Although Luo Xiaran's psychic powers could not confuse everyone, when there were fewer people present, the psychic powers could still be perfect.What's more, Luo Xiaran didn't think that anyone would be curious to come to her position where someone who didn't attract attention.

Unless there is a traitor in the Tao family's team, who leaks the news of Luo Xiaran's existence.Fortunately, when she came to Tao's house again, Luo Xiaran's face was still disguised, so even if her existence was leaked, no one would be able to detect her identity.

Occasionally, Luo Xiaran would pretend to go inside the safe area, but as the atmosphere in the safe area became more and more oppressive, Luo Xiaran seldom went outside.Anyway, the entire safe zone has no scenery for her to see, nor can she find someone to trade with.

After a week like this, Luo Xiaran received the news that the shopkeeper had received the final payment from Tang Yuanjie and He Mo, and even gave more than 1000 crystal nuclei.

Luo Xiaran was very happy with Tang Yuanjie and He Mo's behavior of giving interest so consciously.And just after this good news, Tao Haolin who came back late also sent a good news.

Previously, in private, Tao Haolin used the materials funded by Luo Xiaran to start recruiting people and people who could cooperate. Because the focus was on the above people, Tao Haolin's small actions in private were not discovered.

As for Tang Yuanjie's staff left at the capital base, Luo Xiaran also deliberately contacted them both.Previously, Tang Yuanjie left because he was feared by the people in the capital base, but if Tao Haolin succeeds, naturally there will be no such thing as being stabbed in the back, right?

Although Tang Yuanjie's team is also quite large, it is not impossible to start from scratch, but He Mo doesn't think that such a casual person can do it.

Since Luo Xiaran handed him such a good opportunity, He Mo naturally grasped it quickly.So even though He Moren was not in the capital base, he still kept in secret contact with Tao Haolin through the radio.

He Mo advised Tao Haolin behind his back, and finally won him and Tang Yuanjie's team a place in the capital base again...

 Regular release~ time flies so fast~
(End of this chapter)

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