Chapter 577 Five Months

After the adjustment of the four stores was completed, Luo Xiaran drank a large bowl of ginger soup, and then continued to raise materials in the backyard of the main store.As soon as the cold winter arrives, the demand for materials will increase, and because it is too cold, the survivors will start to be in a stage where they can only get in and out.

Fortunately, the embroiderers have been rushing to make cotton-padded clothes and quilts for the winter, so when the survivors start to come to exchange winter supplies, there will be no crystal cores and no materials to earn.

Back at the Kyoto branch, the team that accompanied her had already drank ginger soup to keep out the cold.Even if everyone's physical fitness has improved a lot, just in case, we must pay attention to preventing colds.Although Luo Xiaran has no shortage of cold medicines, when there is no way to produce medicines, she should use them sparingly to avoid unnecessary waste.

It's a pity that no Chinese medicinal materials have been found so far. The apocalypse has come to the end of the second year. Luo Xiaran feels that there is really little hope.But even so, Luo Xiaran couldn't give up. After all, the apocalypse didn't know when it would end. The existence of medicine was indispensable, and a solution had to be found.

After sighing slightly, Luo Xiaran went downstairs.Because after staying in the Kyoto base for more than a month, even if Luo Xiaran had enough supplies, the team members who lived in other places did not have a chance to have a good meal.

Fortunately, the base in Kyoto has stabilized now, and the team has a cooperative relationship with Tao Haolin and Tang Yuanjie, so Luo Xiaran doesn't mind them returning to the inn a few more times.

Anyway, it is impossible for Tang Yuanjie and Tao Haolin to take the initiative to expose the existence of Luo Xiaran and Youjian Inn, right?So even if the members of the team return to the inn several times, they will only be regarded as trading.

Due to the shortage of supplies in the Kyoto base, many teams have become accustomed to trading with Luo Xiaran, which has become the norm. Unless they are really caught, they will not arouse suspicion.

"Hot pot or barbecue today?" Luo Xiaran asked, looking at the team members who had already put on thick cotton clothes.When she was alone, Luo Xiaran didn't have a good meal, and finally came back, so of course she had to have a big meal to celebrate.

This cold winter will last for five months. Counting from today when the first snow falls, although the base in Kyoto has stabilized, it is estimated that the cold winter will not be very easy.

After all, even if Luo Xiaran can provide enough supplies, it doesn't mean that everyone can exchange them, right?But Tao Haolin and Tang Yuanjie should worry about this issue, and Luo Xiaran can't care so much.She is a businessman, and she won't do business that loses money.

"Let's eat hot pot. It's snowing heavily, so it's warmer to eat hot pot." The captain of the soil department said to Luo Xiaran after looking at the crowd.Before Yuan Zhongkai and Dong Qing cooked a lot of hot pot ingredients for convenience, now even without them, everyone can eat the delicious Yuan family's ancestral hot pot.

Seeing that everyone nodded, Luo Xiaran took out the vegetables for the hot pot from the system backpack and gave them to clean up, then walked into the back kitchen, the cook helped prepare the hot pot, and then let the waiter carry it outside.

Because of the large number of people, five large pots were finally prepared and placed on the coal stove. The hot air was tumbling, the red bottom of the pot was full of spicy taste, and people couldn't help swallowing...

 Timely release~Thank you dear friends for recommending subscriptions and monthly tickets~ Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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