Chapter 579 Return to City S

After another half month of busy work, the continuation outside the inn is already half a meter thick.If you pour a basin of water out, it will immediately turn into ice cubes. Even if you are wrapped in thick winter clothes, it is still bitingly cold.

However, half a month was enough for the team that could go out to come to the inn to get enough supplies.After receiving the news that Jun Lie had returned to City S, Luo Xiaran decided to make another trip to the Kyoto base to leave enough food for the surviving population in the Kyoto base.

As for City N and City H, because Luo Xiaran had notified the news of the approaching winter, Gu Yiru and Wu Wenfeng also exchanged enough supplies early for the winter.

It took two full days in the heavy snow to arrive at the Kyoto base. Even though she was wrapped in heavy winter clothes and the car was turned on with warm air, Luo Xiaran still felt stiff when she arrived at the Kyoto base.

Because of the special pass prepared by Tao Haolin, even if Luo Xiaran didn't show his face, the soldiers guarding the city gate let Luo Xiaran's convoy enter the Kyoto base.

The first to arrive was Tao Haolin's territory.After all, Tang Yuanjie's team was in the inner city, and because of Tao Haolin's success in seizing power, the status of the Tang family fell again and again, especially because Tang Yuanjie directly severed ties with the Tang family after his return, which caused the Tang family to suffer heavy losses.

When the garrison was in hand, the strength of the Tang family was not bad. Unfortunately, Tao Haolin poached a corner, and there were no powerful supernatural beings, so the garrison would naturally choose the most favorable situation.

It has to be said that Tang Yuanjie's severance of ties was the last straw that overwhelmed the Tang family. When Tang Yuanjie's team grew bigger and bigger, in order to avoid making Tang Yuanjie unhappy, naturally many people would throw stones at the Tang family.

However, Luo Xiaran didn't pay much attention to this. After leaving more than [-] tons of grain to the Tao family, Luo Xiaran came to Tang Yuanjie's territory again.Compared with the Tao family's sphere of influence, Tang Yuanjie's place is much larger, and there are many more personnel than the Tao family.

Both Tang Yuanjie and He Mo were extremely surprised by Luo Xiaran's sudden arrival.After all, it was freezing outside, and the relationship between them would not have caused Luo Xiaran to make such a big sacrifice. I couldn't help but feel Luo Xiaran's friendship.

It's a pity they didn't know that Luo Xiaran just wanted to make a lot of money from them because she was leaving the capital, not to mention that she may not return to the capital base in the future, and the remaining manpower still needs their care in the early stage Two.

Presumably from Tao Haolin's place, Luo Xiaran brought Tang Yuanjie and He Mo a little less food, only ten tons.After all, Tao Haolin is the ruler of the Kyoto base, and Luo Xiaran doesn't want to see Tang Yuanjie and the others use their supplies to deal with Tao Haolin, the ruler he chose.

Although neither Tang Yuanjie nor He Mo seemed ambitious, who could say for sure what happened in the future?You have to plan ahead and make sure arrangements, otherwise it will only affect the business of her inn, right?

In the end, Luo Xiaran left five tons of supplies for the captain of the ice department. After all, it was inconvenient to go out in the cold, and they could also take advantage of the cold winter to develop the team in Kyoto.

After getting half of the payment from Tang Yuanjie and Tao Haolin, let them transfer the remaining payment to the captain of the ice department, and then Luo Xiaran took the people back to the inn without stopping, and after explaining to the team members and the shopkeeper, Luo Xiaran went I can't wait to return it to the main store in S City...

 Scheduled release~ Well, the next chapter will start a new volume~ Today is Valentine's Day~ I wish everyone a lover to get married~
(End of this chapter)

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