Chapter 583
In order to live a two-person world, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran had already asked the shopkeeper and others in the inn to rest.So after the two looked at each other suspiciously, Jun Lie stood up and opened the door.

When I opened the door of the inn, I saw a motorcade parked outside the door, and a strange man knocked on the door.However, through the half-opened car window, one could see Leng Xi sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

At this time, Leng Xi looked expressionless, and after noticing that it was Jun Lie who opened the door, Leng Xi hurriedly opened the car door and walked down, and hurriedly asked: "Did you bring someone back from the capital? Where are they all arranged? Is there a woman in her 30s or [-]s? Her name is Fu Yixian."

"Fu Yixian?" Hearing this, Jun Lie frowned, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "There is no woman named Fu Yixian, but there should be a woman who is related to your J province.

She is a test subject in the laboratory, and she has been in the institute for several years, probably because she was tortured by the experiment, so she has no memory before entering the institute. "

Although I had vaguely guessed that the woman with dark abilities might have something to do with Leng Xi, but there are some things that I can't confirm for myself, and I can't easily draw conclusions.

What's more, even though he knew that Leng Xi had a missing lover, Jun Lie didn't know the specific situation even after he had been missing for several years.After all, he didn't pay much attention to Leng Xi before, did he?About this missing lover, Xiao Zhenyan told him later.

"Take me to meet you." Clenching his fists, Leng Xi frowned. He didn't want his lover to be tortured in the institute, but he also didn't want to be separated from him forever, so the emotion in his heart Very complicated.

It's just that no matter what it is, he still has to see it with his own eyes.As long as the person is still that person, what if he loses his memory?What he can't bear the most is that she is not by his side.

"Okay, wait a minute." Jun Lie nodded, fully understanding Leng Xi's mood at this time.Turning around, he saw that Luo Xiaran had already walked behind him, and the two braved the wind and snow and walked into the car that Leng Xi was riding in.

Because the heavy snow is still going on, the continuation on the road has not been cleared.The convoy drove cautiously, and arrived at the station of the Lieyan Mercenary Group after ten minutes.

At the entrance of the garrison, two small houses were built for the guards to live in, so when they saw the lights flickering from a distance, the guards took precautions.

It wasn't until the convoy stopped and Jun Lie showed his figure that his guarded eyes were closed.But even so, Jun Lie's identity was thoroughly confirmed through the code words of the Jun family, and then the gate was opened to allow the convoy to enter the station.

Because the guards had already used the walkie-talkie to contact the people inside the station, after the convoy stopped, Qi Zichun wrapped himself in a military overcoat and ran downstairs in the wind and snow.

"Master, why are you here so late?" Jun Cheng also came out of the room on the first floor, and asked Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran first.Noticing Leng Xi's arrival, Juncheng was also slightly taken aback.With such a heavy snowstorm, Leng Xi came here on his way, so could it be that there is some bad news?
"Where did the dark-type supernatural being brought back go?" He signaled Juncheng with his eyes that there is no need to worry, and then Jun Lie asked.Although he personally sent people here before, Juncheng and the others were responsible for solving the follow-up problems...

 Scheduled release~ Feeling stuffy, irritating, irritating~ The manuscript fee sent has bottomed out, 23333 is so poor~
(End of this chapter)

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