Chapter 590 Mutated Zombies
I saw Fu Yixian standing in the living room with empty eyes, holding the crystal nucleus she snatched from Luo Xiaran just now, her whole body was covered in black mist, and her fangs and claws made people feel chilling.

And followed by Leng Xi, but before Leng Xi got close to Fu Yixian, Fu Yixian squeezed the crystal nucleus and put it into her mouth.Then there was a 'creaking' sound, before the three of Luo Xiaran could react, Fu Yixian just chewed up the crystal nucleus and swallowed it.

"Ah!" Luo Xiaran yelled in surprise until the black mist all over Fu Yixian's body was retracted back into her body, with cold sweat dripping down her back.She never thought that Fu Yixian was a mutant zombie!

Only zombies would directly chew up the crystal nuclei and swallow them into their stomachs, and because of this, Fu Yixian, who was fed human food, gradually became skinny.

The reason why Mu Maode's nutritional supplement works on Fu Yixian is because the nutritional supplements are basically made of mutated animals and plants, plus a small amount of food produced by Luo Xiaran's system or wood-type abilities.

To make nutrients, it is natural to concentrate the essence of mutated animals and plants, so that Fu Yixian will not become the first zombie to be 'starved' to death because she cannot eat zombie crystal cores and human flesh and blood.

Luo Xiaran couldn't help thinking rejoicingly, fortunately, Fu Yixian sealed her heart, so she didn't even have desires, so even if she became a mutated zombie, she wouldn't take the initiative to devour human flesh or mutants. The crystal nucleus of the capable.

Sure enough, after her rebirth, her luck has already skyrocketed.Jun Lie and the others walked with the mutated zombies for more than two months, but Fu Yixian didn't hurt anyone in the team. It's really lucky.After all, there were quite a few ordinary people in the team before, as well as researchers with a weak system. If he was a little careless, even Jun Lie would suffer.

Licking her dry lips due to nervousness, Luo Xiaran looked at Leng Xi and said, "Brother Leng, sister-in-law is no longer a human being, but a mutant zombie, a very powerful mutant zombie."

The dark ability itself is very powerful. After falling on a mutated zombie, Luo Xiaran would not die completely even if there was an inn, but she was still terrified and chilled all over.

Noticing that Luo Xiaran's mood was wrong, Jun Lie put his arms around Luo Xiaran, and patted Luo Xiaran's back comfortingly, but kept his eyes fixed on Fu Yixian, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Leng Xi, on the other hand, hadn't fought for many years, was not a powerful offensive power user, and even had Fu Yixian in his eyes, so he didn't notice the murderous intent in Jun Lie's eyes at all.If Leng Xi had noticed Jun Lie's killing intent towards Fu Yixian, he probably wouldn't be able to get along peacefully with Jun Lie anymore.

Although Luo Xiaran, who was held in Jun Lie's arms, did not meet Jun Lie's eyes, her powerful five senses and mental power could detect Jun Lie's killing intent without any omission.

Holding Jun Lie's hand, Luo Xiaran shook her head slightly.Although Fu Yixian's threat level is indeed very high, but for now, Fu Yixian has no intention of actively attacking.What's more, high-level zombies will also regain their sanity. Luo Xiaran felt that keeping Fu Yixian might be more useful.

Don't forget, high-level zombies can command low-level zombies.If they could really turn Fu Yixian into their own domesticated zombie, then the danger in the future would be reduced a lot.Even though this idea is a bit whimsical, but for the sake of Leng Xi, Luo Xiaran still wants to try a thing or two.

 Scheduled release~ Hahaha, I didn't expect it, this is a mutant zombie~ Emma is now in the early morning of the 14th, and my codeword task is not over yet~
(End of this chapter)

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