Chapter 608
"I promise." Jun Lie and Xiao Zhenyan said in unison with serious expressions.Then they put their arms around the bride who belonged to them, and said the vows of marriage in front of the people who came to the wedding.

"We became husband and wife voluntarily. Starting today, we will jointly shoulder the responsibilities and obligations entrusted to us by marriage: filial piety to our parents, education to our children, mutual respect and love, mutual trust and forgiveness, mutual forgiveness and mutual accommodation, love each other for a lifetime!"

"From now on, whether in good times or bad times, rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old, we will be in the same boat through thick and thin, share weal and woe, and become lifelong partners!"

"We must stick to today's oath, and we will certainly be able to stick to today's oath!"

After Jun Lie and Xiao Zhenyan finished speaking, Luo Xiaran and Xi Ruolan also repeated their marriage vows. Although each other was very excited and nervous, they both spoke clearly when reciting the vows. After all, this is the most important thing in life. moment.

Roaring applause rang out after Luo Xiaran and Xi Ruolan finished reading, and at this moment, the mechanical voice of the system sounded in Luo Xiaran's ears: "Conditions are fulfilled, whether to bind a soulmate or not, share the system."

soul mate?shared system?When she suddenly heard the sound of the system, Luo Xiaran froze in surprise.Except when the system was activated at the very beginning, the system never spoke. Luo Xiaran always thought that the system only had the ability of the inn, but now she suddenly found that it can be bound and shared with Jun Lie. Luo Xiaran really didn't like it. Knowing what decisions to make is good.

Although the ability of the system is very powerful, Luo Xiaran is not sure whether Jun Lie will bear the limitations of the system for decades, hundreds or even thousands of years.Immortality is good, but Luo Xiaran is very worried that the time is too long, and Jun Lie's feelings for her will be wiped out. When they die because they are bound together and cannot be separated, will Jun Lie resent her? Woolen cloth?
Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips, and then said to the system: "Not bound for now." Now it seems that there was no reminder from the system before, probably because Wu Yan'an didn't intend to marry her, but this is also Well, if she was bound to someone like Wu Yan'an forever and ever, Luo Xiaran didn't know if she would be imprisoned by Wu Yan'an forever.

As for the matter of binding with Jun Lie, since the system opened its mouth, it should be able to tell Jun Lie to know.Then wait for her to think it over, and then bring it up to Jun Lie.

Luo Xiaran can't selfishly decide Jun Lie's future life, can she?Even if they have become a community of destiny from that moment just now, Jun Lie's freedom is beyond Luo Xiaran's control.What's more, the system itself is dominated by her, can Jun Lie bear such a thing as subservient to her?
Because the system suddenly released a bomb, Luo Xiaran was dizzy from the bombing, and was mechanically pulled by Jun Lie, following him to toast table by table.But because Jun Lie was very excited to share the joy of embracing the beauty with everyone at this time, and he thought that Luo Xiaran was too emotional, so he didn't notice anything wrong.

Just when the two came to a table of guests hand in hand, and were about to pour wine and toast, there was a loud 'bang' and blood splashed out, everyone was stunned!

 Scheduled release~ Hahaha, I don’t want to do this either, but the plot requires it, the wedding that the poor hero has carefully prepared will be ruined~
(End of this chapter)

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