Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 646: Earthworm Dried Meat

Chapter 646: Earthworm Dried Meat
"A fourth-level beast core, because it was killed in cooperation, so I put away the beast core. It is worth the money of two pancakes." He said to Wan Qing while putting away the yellow beast core he brought over.

"Miss Luo, although the beast core can also absorb energy, it will make people irritable." Wan Qing had no opinion on Luo Xiaran's action of putting away the crystal core, but after thinking about it, she still said something.

Anyway, Luo Xiaran helped him a lot. Of course, Wan Qing didn't want Luo Xiaran and others to have any problems because of the beast core.What's more, Wan Qing also wanted to know if Luo Xiaran had any way to deal with the beast core.

"Haha, thank you Mr. Wan. But this animal core will not be used to absorb energy, I will use it for other purposes. The security base has newly developed a method of converting crystal core energy into other energy sources, so maybe keep it It can be used in household appliances or lighting." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran raised her opinion of Wan Qing, and then explained a little.

However, Luo Xiaran is of course not sure whether the beast core can be used in energy conversion.But Luo Xiaran will never tell about the energy of the beast core conversion system, will she?So in order to reassure Wanqing, Luo Xiaran used energy conversion as an excuse.

"So that's how it is. That's really great. It's really inconvenient without electricity." After listening to Luo Xiaran's explanation, Wan Qing's favor for the base in Anping District has improved a bit. He feels that if Anping District If the people in the base are okay, why not stay permanently.

After all, humans are social animals, and Wan Qing stayed outside for a while by herself, hoping to meet more survivors.What's more, if there is energy conversion, the lives of survivors will be greatly changed.

"That's right, the meat of this mutated earthworm is also edible. Although it looks a bit unappetizing, it still tastes like beef when made into jerky. Do Mr. Wan need it? Or should I replace Mr. Wan with multigrain pancakes?" Luo said Xia Ran looked at the mutant earthworm's body, which was about [-] meters long, and then said.

Of course Luo Xiaran had eaten mutated earthworm jerky in her previous life.But Luo Xiaran didn't know it at first, and thought that Wu Yan'an specially found the beef jerky for her.And even if I knew it later, in order not to be hungry, I could only eat it patiently.

Anyway, the time was wasted by the mutated earthworm, so it's better to bake it into beef jerky on the spot.Anyway, with Jun Lie, the fire-type superpower, and Dongfang Kang'an, the wind-type superpower, the speed of making jerky will be faster.

"Then please Miss Luo give me some jerky." Only those who have tried to go hungry will not be picky eaters.It's just earthworms, not to mention dead ones, a little girl like Luo Xiaran can eat them, but what can a big man like Wanqing refuse.

"Then Mr. Wan just wait for a while. How about taking advantage of this time, Mr. Wan to choose a safer car and check whether it can start after refueling. After all, after two cold winters, I don't know if the car will It will freeze to death." Luo Xiaran couldn't help smiling when she saw Wan Qing readily agreeing.Feeling in his heart that Wan Qing was indeed frightened by hunger, after all, Wu Yan'an had never eaten a single mutated earthworm in his previous life.

 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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