Chapter 648 Lin Zenggang

It was a team of more than 40 men and women, and the cars were ordinary vans, only five.However, although it seems that the conditions are not very good, the men and women in the team are all physically strong, which should not be underestimated.

Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran, who had been watching all night, were sitting with a middle-aged man in his 40s. There was a pot of scented tea on the coffee table, talking and laughing in a very harmonious atmosphere.

Dongfang Kang'an who walked out of the tent frowned slightly when he saw this, feeling very strange in his heart.As a businessman, Luo Xiaran is not profitable, so there should be something good about their happy atmosphere.If he didn't know Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie very well, Dongfang Kang'an would almost have thought that he hadn't woken up yet.

"Morning, how is your rest?" Noticing that Dongfang Kang'an woke up, Luo Xiaran smiled happily at him, and while motioning for Dongfang Kang'an to come and sit together, she took out breakfast.

"Mr. Dongfang, this is Mr. Lin Zenggang, from the security base in P City. Mr. Lin, this is my companion Dongfang Kang'an, a doctor." After Dongfang Kang'an sat down, Luo Xiaran introduced him stand up.

"Mr. Dongfang, I have admired your name for a long time. You once went into the mountain with our ginseng pickers and rescued the team members who were bitten by snakes. It is a pity that you left too fast, and I haven't had time to thank you." Although Lin Zenggang I haven't seen Dongfang Kang'an, but I still know the name like a thunder.

Because Lin Zenggang is an expert in medicinal herb breeding, he opened a not-so-small medicinal herb company, and had contacts with Dongfang Kang'an in the past.However, because Dongfang Kang'an had been busy working for Leng Xi before, this was also the first time Lin Zenggang met Dongfang Kang'an.

"Mr. Lin is polite, but it's just a trivial matter, and if I didn't want to go to the mountain to collect herbs together, I wouldn't have tired that team member who accidentally got bitten by a snake." Hearing this, Dongfang Kang'an said with a smile.

In fact, Dongfang Kang'an goes out to collect herbs every year. After all, there is still a gap between artificially grown medicinal materials and wild medicinal materials.And because Lin Zenggang's medicinal material company has a good reputation, Dongfang Kangan certainly knows a little about its partners.

Dongfang Kang'an didn't expect to meet someone who knew him after the end of the world, but when he thought of Mr. Lin's medicinal material company, he vaguely understood why Luo Xiaran's attitude towards Lin Zenggang was so 'approachable'.

It's just that it has been more than two years since the end of the world, and Dongfang Kang'an can't be sure whether Lin Zengang's medicinal material company still has medicinal materials that can be used normally. After all, the storage requirements for Chinese medicinal materials are also very strict.

But after thinking about it, Luo Xiaran is not such a person who is easy to take advantage of.What's more, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie are in charge, so he can wait for the final quality inspection of medicinal materials with peace of mind.

After a few polite words with Lin Zengang, Dongfang Kang'an, who was hungry, began to eat lunch.Noticing the salivation of other people looking at the meat porridge in front of him, Dongfang Kang'an guessed that even if there is no shortage of food in the security base of P City, it should not be rich in meat.

But here is so close to the mountains of Bei Province, why can't we eat meat?Could it be that these people never paid attention to mutant animals?Or is it because the mutated animals here are stronger and not easy to catch?

While eating breakfast, Dongfang Kang'an was thinking wildly, and when Dongfang Kang'an came back to his senses, he heard that Luo Xiaran had decided to go to the safe base in P City with Lin Zengang...

 Timely release~ Eyes hurt, I accidentally read this tragedy, tears streaming down my face~
(End of this chapter)

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