Chapter 652 Centennial Wild Ginseng

Then Lin Zenggang talked about some things that need to be paid attention to when walking in the base. After all, the base is so stable, thanks to the rules established by Lei Lifan since the establishment of the base.

But for Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, this rule is nothing, anyway, they are not the kind of people who burn, kill and loot, are they?What's more, the three of them may not be interested in other things in the base other than crystal nuclei and medicinal materials.

After talking for a while, Lin Zengang basically drank the whole pot of scented tea.Although Lin Zenggang's team usually doesn't lack water, they haven't been able to drink tea for a long time.

In order to avoid Lin Zengang's embarrassment, after Lin Zenggang put down his teacup, Luo Xiaran took the lead and said, "It's getting late, why don't Mr. Lin take us to the flea market now?"

"Okay, then let's go out now. If you have anything you want to change, please prepare some now, otherwise it's not good to be too eye-catching." Lin Zeng just got up and drank a lot of water He also thought about it.

And although no one in the base dared to provoke Yu Lei Lifan, the existence of spatial abilities would also cause riots.Lin Zengang wanted to befriend Luo Xiaran, but he didn't want Luo Xiaran to bring them danger.After all, he is a family member, so he has to think more about the people around him.

"Well, I understand." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran nodded.Although she doesn't mind being known about her spatial ability by others, she naturally doesn't want to be too troublesome. While taking out three mountaineering bags from the system backpack, Luo Xiaran got some miscellaneous grains, pancakes, biscuits, drinking water, etc. .

Seeing what Luo Xiaran took out, Lin Zenggang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.Sure enough, today was a lucky day. Although Lin Zenggang and the others were not unable to eat, compared to Luo Xiaran's multigrain pancakes, the steamed bread pancakes they ate were several times worse.

The so-called bran is the remaining part of grains such as ground rice noodles. Although it can be eaten after steaming, it not only has no taste, but also grinds the throat when eating, which makes people suffer.

After pursing his lips, Lin Zengang finally couldn't help asking: "Miss Luo, may I exchange some food with you first? I have a century-old wild ginseng in my family."

Knowing that Luo Xiaran and the others came to P City for medicinal materials, although Lin Zenggang was reluctant to part with the century-old wild ginseng that had been handed down by his family for decades, a single ginseng might save a person's life, but food could. More lives.

Fortunately, I took this hundred-year-old wild ginseng with me when I fled for my life after the end of the world. Otherwise, if I stayed at my original home, it would probably become useless because of the changeable weather after the end of the world.

And thinking of the batch of medicinal materials in his company, Lin Zenggang had some hesitant thoughts before, but now they have completely dissipated.After all, the end of the world does not know how long it will take, and those medicinal materials have lasted for more than two years, which can be regarded as his meticulous maintenance.

But with the rampage of zombies and mutant animals, the way to the company is already very dangerous. If it ends up being wasted, Lin Zeng will feel even more distressed just now.

"Oh? Naturally, it can be exchanged for food, but the final value needs to be determined after looking at the wild ginseng." The century-old wild ginseng is naturally a rare and good medicinal material, and it may be reluctant to use it in Lin Zenggang's hands. , but it is also very good for Luo Xiaran to take it back to replenish Chu Xinrui's body.

 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ Koryo sticks are the most annoying!My liver hurts watching the Winter Olympics!
(End of this chapter)

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