Chapter 663 Unforgettable
Feeling very novel about everything in the inn, Luo Xiaran took Jun Lie to the other branches of the inn to replenish the inventory of all the inns one by one.

Because Jun Lie has been soul-bound with Luo Xiaran, all the functions of the inn are open to Jun Lie.However, there is still a slight difference, that is, when the energy of the system needs to be used, Jun Lie cannot do it.

Fortunately, Jun Lie's focus is not on this aspect, he has always cared about Luo Xiaran's little secret, so after experiencing it for a while, he lost too much interest.

And when Dongfang Kang'an woke up the next day, he was already in the guest room.Fortunately, Dongfang Kang'an also lived in the inn, so although he felt very strange, he was smart enough not to ask anything.

"In the next week, I will trouble Mr. Dongfang to hand over the identification of medicinal materials, efficacy, good or bad, etc. to the shopkeeper. Don't worry, Mr. Dongfang. The shopkeeper has a photographic memory, and he will be a good student." After breakfast, Luo Xiaran stood behind the shopkeeper and said to Dongfang Kang'an.

Compared with the big shopkeeper of the main store, although the shopkeeper of the branch store is slightly less resourceful, there is no problem in terms of IQ, and the ability of photographic memory is a must for the inn staff, otherwise Luo Xiaran would not be so fast. The inn was opened.

"Okay." Since Luo Xiaran was full of confidence, and the other party couldn't bear it, Dongfang Kang'an would not refuse Luo Xiaran's proposal.What's more, it seems that Luo Xiaran is not going to go to the mountains in the northern province, but it is estimated that there are a lot of medicinal materials in P City, and the remuneration has been discussed before, and Dongfang Kang'an is embarrassed to just take advantage of the money and not deal with it. .

Along the way, Luo Xiaran provided delicious food to Dongfang Kang'an. Big fish and meat, melons, fruits and vegetables all ate and lived with Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, and there was no difference in treatment. Xia Ran is so sincere, Dongfang Kang'an is not the kind of person who doesn't know good and bad.

After handing over the shopkeeper to Dongfang Kang'an, Luo Xiaran explained that they will go back to City S when the shopkeeper is ready to open, so it's good for the staff in the shop to rest freely for a while.

Not long after Luo Xiaran finished speaking, the waiter from the shop walked in with Lei Lifan and the others from the door.Everyone looked at the inn in amazement, feeling the great abilities of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.

"Morning, have you guys had breakfast? Shall I have someone prepare it?" Luo Xiaran got up and smiled at them, then asked.

"Have eaten, let's go now?" Ever since they learned that Luo Xiaran could use medicinal materials in exchange for food, everyone was very impatient.

Seeing that no one wanted to stay for dinner, Luo Xiaran took out a jeep from the system backpack, and a group of more than a dozen cars swaggered out of the base in City P, walking towards the city.

Around the base in P City, there are not many zombies, and the roads are very smooth, probably because people clean it up every day.After walking for about five streets, there are some obstacles on the road, and the surrounding houses are covered with traces, and the desolation makes people feel emotional.

According to what Lin Zengang said, his company is a little past the city center, and because Lei Lifan's company is a little ahead of Lin Zengang's, the group plans to go to Lei Lifan's company to get the medicinal materials first. , and Lei Lifan also said that his company still has a lot of medicinal seeds stored...

 It will be released regularly~ I hope I can also remember it with a photographic memory~ Hey~
(End of this chapter)

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