Chapter 680 Two Zombies
Luo Xiaran was not the first to notice Fu Yixian's appearance on the battlefield.The first one to notice Fu Yixian's appearance was the intelligent zombie who was fighting with Luo Xiaran and the others.

Because of Fu Yixian's appearance, the intelligent zombie gave up Luo Xiaran and the others, ran towards Fu Yixian's direction quickly, and then fought with Fu Yixian into a ball.

The speed of the two zombies was very fast. If Luo Xiaran hadn't turned on the psychic ability all the time, she might not be able to see the movements of the two zombies at all.While observing the two zombies fighting, Luo Xiaran also confirmed one thing.

The dark ability does seem to restrain the devouring ability, but because Luo Xiaran was worried that Fu Yixian would eat too many crystal nuclei and it would be difficult to control the damage to Lengxi, so the current level of Fu Yixian's ability is only level six, and some are in the Downwind look.

While waving the whip to clean up the zombies that continued to besiege, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips, thinking about the solution in her heart.After all, Luo Xiaran clearly saw the importance of Fu Yixian to Leng Xi. If something happened to Fu Yixian, Leng Xi probably wouldn't be able to survive.

What's more, mutated zombies can devour zombie crystal cores to upgrade. If the crystal cores with powerful dark abilities fall into the hands of intelligent zombies, then since they have no way to restrain intelligent zombies, Anping City may really be destroyed by intelligent zombies in the end. The zombies are broken.

Naturally, Luo Xiaran didn't want Anping City, which she worked so hard to build, to be destroyed by zombies, so after passing the exam, Luo Xiaran came to Cheng Yan's side and said to Cheng Yan, "Your dark ability can be used against intelligent zombies. Attack, you go to assist."

Although Cheng Yan had also met Fu Yixian, but because Fu Yixian had always had no sense of the outside world, Cheng Yan never thought that the other party had the same ability as himself.

But when he saw Fu Yixian's blue eyes and the sharp nails about ten centimeters long on his fingers, he thought of what the wise zombie said before, and realized that Fu Yixian was actually a mutant zombie.

Cheng Yan was naturally very surprised by this.Just thinking about the relationship between Fu Yixian and Leng Xi, Cheng Yan calmed down.If the woman he loves becomes a zombie, then he will continue to support his lover.

What's more, Cheng Yan has seen Fu Yixian and Leng Xi get along with each other. Although Fu Yixian is a mutant zombie, she still eats what normal people eat.And when he was with them, he didn't mean to be bloodthirsty and want to eat people.

From this point of view, Cheng Yan would not mind the fact that Fu Yixian was a mutated zombie but stayed in Anping City.The most important thing is that both Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran had no objections and pretended to turn a blind eye, and even helped to raise it, so even if Cheng Yan had objections, it would be useless, wouldn't it?
So Cheng Yan nodded, and carefully rushed up to the place where the two zombies were fighting.When Cheng Yan left, Luo Xiaran also linked Cheng Yan's mental power with psychic powers, helping Cheng Yan see the battle between the two zombies clearly.

Otherwise, if Fu Yixian was accidentally injured because he couldn't see the situation clearly, it would be difficult for Leng Xi to explain afterwards, wouldn't it?After all, Leng Xi must have made a lot of determination to ask Master Diao to ask Luo Xiaran to release Fu Yixian.I just don't know what Leng Xi predicted this time...

(End of this chapter)

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