Chapter 682 For You
"Here... you..." Fu Yixian came in front of Leng Xi, seeing that Leng Xi didn't hug her like before, Fu Yixian paused for a while in confusion, then raised her hand and said to Leng Xi.

Fu Yixian's voice was hoarse. If Leng Xi hadn't listened carefully, she might not be able to tell what Fu Yixian said.Looking at Fu Yixian with an unpredictable expression, Leng Xi finally squeezed the blue and purple crystal core from Fu Yixian's hand.

"Let's go home." Noticing the gazes around her, Leng Xi frowned, and said to Fu Yixian in a gentle voice.But Fu Yixian couldn't tell what Leng Xi meant, so she just looked at Leng Xi silently.

Fortunately, Leng Xi didn't necessarily want Fu Yixian's answer, and didn't mind that Fu Yixian's hands were covered with minced meat and blood. Leng Xi directly took Fu Yixian's hand and led Master Diao to the tower.

It's not that Leng Xi doesn't want to clean up Fu Yixian, it's just that the prying eyes around him make Leng Xi unbearable.And because of the prophecy just now, Leng Xi has not recovered now, not to mention that Leng Xi is not a water-type supernatural being, and he came out hastily without a handkerchief, so he can only do this for the time being.

Through her mental power, Luo Xiaran saw that Fu Yixian showed no signs of attacking Leng Xi and the others. Although she was puzzled, she couldn't care less about it now.After all, it was a matter between Leng Xi and Fu Yixian. As long as Fu Yixian didn't kill people in Anping City, then Luo Xiaran wouldn't care too much.

What Luo Xiaran needs to pay attention to now is still the countless zombies surrounding Anping City.Although the leading intelligent zombie has been dealt with, but with the temptation of the survivors' aura, the zombies are not so easy to push back, not to mention that these are all crystal nuclei or materials, even if Luo Xiaran asked, the survivors would not will give up.

In the last zombie siege and mutated animal siege, the survivors in Anping City, big or small, picked up a lot of cheap and stored crystal nuclei, and naturally they will not call it a day easily this time.

After another three full days of busy work, when the survivors in the entire Anping City were exhausted, there were finally few zombies left outside Anping City, and everyone returned to Anping City contentedly.

Ordinary people went out of the city to clean up the battlefield, and the supernatural beings returned to rest. Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and others also took their trophies and walked to the inn.Luo Xiaran is now full of thoughts, still thinking about what Leng Xi predicted before.

And because Fu Yixian's identity as a mutated zombie was exposed, Xiao Zhenyan did not return to the inn with Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.Although Anping City is now the home of the Jun family, the problem of mutated zombies existing in Anping City is still very serious. Xiao Zhenyan doesn't want to have just experienced a big war, which will affect the stability of the entire Anping City.

What's more, Qiu Mouse was still cooperating with other forces to spy on Anping City. This time, Anping City experienced such a big battle, and the combatants were exhausted. Xiao Zhenyan also needs to be careful that Qiu Mouse will bring people to make trouble.

Back at the inn, before Luo Xiaran went to ask Leng Xi, Jun Lie took Luo Xiaran back to the small building in the backyard.The two comfortably soaked in the hot bath, and in Jun Lie's warm embrace, Luo Xiaran also fell into a deep sleep exhausted.

No matter how powerful Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie are, the existence of an inn will not endanger their lives, but it does not mean that they have escaped from the realm of human beings.After fighting for more than half a month, they are also exhausted. No matter what the problem is, let's wait for them to rest and solve it...

 Scheduled release~Updated today~Late night codeword~Frozen legs~Take my brother to see Peter Rabbit on the 2nd~Do you want to see your relatives too?

(End of this chapter)

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