Chapter 684 Eat it

"I underestimated the intelligent zombies before. If the prophecy is true, then let my sister-in-law eat that crystal nucleus." After a long silence, Luo Xiaran said to Leng Xi.

Although Luo Xiaran wanted to give the crystal core to Jun Lie to improve his abilities, Luo Xiaran could clearly see the power of dark abilities after the previous battle.

Although Fu Yixian is not so controlled, at least Fu Yixian has not hurt them so far, has she?What's more, the wise zombies already had their own thinking and could speak out their words. Luo Xiaran felt that if Fu Yixian ate this crystal nucleus, maybe Fu Yixian would also have her own mind.

And judging from the current situation, even if Fu Yixian doesn't remember Leng Xi, when Leng Xi is by Fu Yixian's side, she is quiet.Even if Fu Yixian seriously injured Leng Xi last time, don't forget that this time Fu Yixian gave Leng Xi more than seven levels of crystal cores, didn't she?
Besides, now that Luo Xiaran is sitting in the inn, even if Fu Yixian is going crazy, Luo Xiaran can definitely suppress it.Of course, before Fu Yixian took the crystal nucleus, Luo Xiaran decided to sort out the spiritual power for Fu Yixian, and then just in case, she could also keep her own spiritual power in Fu Yixian's brain.

Of course, Luo Xiaran did not do this to manipulate Fu Yixian. With the suppression of Luo Xiaran's mental power, at least when Fu Yixian did something, Luo Xiaran still had a chance to make up for it.For example, continue to sort out the spiritual power for Fu Yixian, although it is a bit like brainwashing.

With a powerful mutated zombie by his side, even if he encounters an existence similar to the intelligent zombie before, the situation predicted will not happen.

After hearing the words, Leng Xi thought for a moment and nodded, but didn't say much.Especially Leng Xi knew very well that after Fu Yixian ate this crystal nucleus, there would be nothing more than two situations, one for better and one for worse, but no matter good or bad, Leng Xi would always keep Fu Yixian by his side.

"According to the prophecy, it is estimated that someone will attack Anping City in a short time. What are you going to do?" After a long time, seeing that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie had no intention of speaking, Leng Xi asked, pursing his lips.

Because of Fu Yixian, Leng Xi has already transferred his manpower around Anping City. Of course, other security bases also have his manpower. After all, we need to get more information, right?

"It's okay, brother Zhenyan should have already solved it." Luo Xiaran was not too worried about this problem because she knew about the existence of Qiu Shushu and others early on.What's more, although the previous battle consumed a lot of combat power, but under the premise of having enough crystal nuclei, it is estimated that many supernatural beings will advance to the next level in the past two days.

"It's good to have an arrangement, and I'm worried that I'll be caught off guard." Seeing this, Leng Xi smiled slightly, took out two more crystal cores, scrubbed them, and handed them to Fu Yixian to eat.

"Brother Leng, don't worry, it's about Anping City, don't be careless." The situation Leng Xi predicted before was because the intelligent zombie's ability made them defenseless, but the problem of Qiu Mouse, both Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie do not worry.

"Okay, Brother Leng, why don't I sort out my sister-in-law's mental strength now, and then let her take the crystal core. I really hope that my sister-in-law can return to normal this time." Looking at Fu Yixian eating happily, Luo Xiaran said with.If you solve Fu Yixian's problem earlier, everyone can relax, right?There must be a better way to deal with it.

 Scheduled release~ I guess I have already gone out to the cinema at this point~ Emma, ​​start making predictions again~
(End of this chapter)

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