Chapter 697
A group of thousands of people rushed into the building, but this time the purpose was for the survivors rather than cleaning up the zombies.Therefore, apart from the zombies that jumped at the team, the members of the team did not entangle with the zombies too much.

It's just that the elevator is inedible, and there are several floors from the stairs to the top floor. Even if the team has a lot of people, they have to be alert to the attack of zombies while climbing the stairs. From the perspective of mental power, it is estimated that more time will be delayed.

It took more than an hour to reach the top floor, only to find that the stairs on the top floor were blocked by ice walls and iron walls.From this point of view, among the [-] survivors here, there are at least about three levels of ice-type abilities and gold-type abilities.

Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and thought in her heart, while looking at the survivors on the top floor with her mental strength.It's a pity that it is probably because of the long-term deprivation of water and food, so the situation of the survivors gives people a feeling of dying, making it impossible to tell which one is the supernatural being.

However, because of the sudden excited shouts of the zombies, many survivors who were able to move a little bit were awakened, so the survivors on the top floor had already woken up.

"Well, knock on the door." Luo Xiaran withdrew her mental strength and said to the team members on the side.Anyway, the survivors inside were so dry that they didn't even have a conversation. Luo Xiaran didn't have the heart to understand the meaning of the eye contact with people she didn't know.

Of course, what Luo Xiaran said about knocking on the door was just a routine notification to the people inside that someone was coming outside.Following Zhang Limin's punch, the ice-type and gold-type powers began to move, and directly opened a large hole the height of a person in the ice wall and iron wall, passing through one after another.

"Who are you?" A man in his thirties looked warily at Jun Lie and the others who came in one after another, and asked in a hoarse voice.They have been trapped here for more than ten days, and the dry food and drinking water they brought have long been exhausted, so they don't think that Jun Lie and others came late at night for the purpose of robbery.

Looking at their well-wrapped, healthy and ruddy appearances, the man's eyes flashed with deep thought.Now that they can eat well and wear good clothes, they are definitely the existences that they cannot easily provoke.

"Who are you?" Jun Lie sized up the more than 200 people who were watching him warily, and asked with a smile on his lips.At first, he thought there was some kind of conspiracy, but now that they were so hungry that they couldn't stand still, Jun Lie felt relieved.

But don't worry, it doesn't mean that Jun Lie can let these people go. If it's useless, Jun Lie won't come here to save them.What's more, to be able to stay in the hospital for so long, there must be some kind of secret.

"We are from E City next door, and we want to go to Anping City." After guessing in his mind, the man said to Jun Lie.According to rumors, the lord of Anping City is a young man who is always accompanied by his wife, and Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie in front of him look similar to the rumors, so the man decided to take a risk.

"Oh? If you're going to Anping City, why are you here now?" Hearing this, Jun Lie turned his head and looked at Luo Xiaran, and then asked again.Jun Lie didn't doubt the authenticity of the man's words, but was genuinely curious about why these people were trapped in the hospital...

 Regular release~
(End of this chapter)

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