Chapter 710 Chu Ling
An hour and a half later, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran reappeared at Youjian Inn in Anping City, S City.Because of the previous communication, when the two came out from the backyard, Wan Qing was leading a little girl about fourteen or fifteen years old, sitting in the lobby and eating.

"Mr. Wan, long time no see." Luo Xiaran took Jun Lie's arm and came to the table where Wan Qing was. After looking at Wan Qing and the little girl, she greeted her with a smile.

"Miss Luo, Mr. Jun, long time no see. I'm really sorry that it's been so long. I've already handed over the crystal core to the gentleman on the counter." Wan Qing got up and faced Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie after hearing that. Said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, Mr. Wan, you don't have to be polite. I'm just curious, where did Mr. Wan go this time, and how did he get so many crystal nuclei? Could it be that Mr. Wan formed a team with other people?" Luo Xiaran pulled Jun Lie After sitting down under Wan Qing's gaze, he first took an apple and handed it to the little girl, and then asked bluntly.

If Wan Qing minded, no matter how many words Luo Xiaran had to say, Wan Qing probably wouldn't say anything.So it's better to go straight to the topic from the beginning, and save each other's time.

"No, not at all. I originally planned to seek revenge from my former teammates. At first I thought they had come to Anping City, but after inquiring about it on the way, I realized that Anping City no longer accepts people, so several security guards around It took me so long to search the area." Wan Qing said without reservation after being stunned for a moment after hearing the words.

"I got these crystal nuclei together with Chu Ling. This is Chu Ling. He is 14 years old this year and has wind power. Chu Ling is Ms. Luo and Mr. Jun. Thank you Ms. Luo for the apples."

"Thank you, Miss Luo." Chu Ling looked timid, and after seeing Wan Qing agreeing, he took the apple that Luo Xiaran handed over while thanking her.

Luo Xiaran could tell at a glance that Chu Ling must have experienced something bad, but she didn't care about it: "Since Mr. Wan has already taken revenge, how about staying in Anping City? You take this half It’s probably not convenient for older children to be outside.”

"Thank you, Ms. Luo, I also have the same intention. I am more of a man, and it is inconvenient to take a little girl with me. Although Chu Ling's abilities are also very powerful, I think children should study hard. Before I I heard that a school was built in Anping City, and I wonder if Chu Ling can go to the school to study." Wan Qing smiled gratefully while hiding from Luo Xiaran, and then asked.

In fact, even if it wasn't for Chu Ling, Wan Qing would try to stay in Anping City even if he paid off the previous debt.Rescuing Chu Ling was an accident, but as a man, if he saw such a young girl being bullied, Wan Qing couldn't stand it no matter what.

"Of course there is no problem. But at Chu Ling's age, he can already kill zombies on his own. It's not a good thing to stay in school too much. If there are no classes in school, Mr. Wan might as well take Chu Ling out more , the power also needs to be used more to be more powerful." Luo Xiaran nodded and said.

It's just filling the school with a student, it's not a big deal, after all, the school is under the management of Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui.It's just that Chu Ling is 14 years old after all, if she is safe in school, it will not be a good thing for Chu Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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