Chapter 741

It's a pity that although the tsunami is over, the rainy season still exists. The frequent rains prevented the water on the road from falling, and it even rose by about [-] to [-] centimeters.

So it wasn't until the second week after the end of the rainy season that the temperature began to rise, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie both changed into summer clothes, and then they set off again.

Because of a tsunami, the road that had already been destroyed by the crazy growth of mutated plants became even more difficult to walk after the tsunami and earthquake. Knowing that half a month later, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, this is the official road. Leaving the territory of T city, entering HB province.

Adjacent to T City, HB Province is of course not an ordinary boundary, and the goal of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie is the capital of HB Province, SJ City.

Before the end of the world, SJ City had a permanent population of 100 million people. It governed eight districts, eleven counties, and managed two city-level cities. It was one of the main producers of grain, vegetables, meat, eggs, and fruits in the country. Agriculture The level is very high, known as the "Northern Granary", which can be compared with the three northern provinces.

And it is not so easy to reach SJ City smoothly with the strength of two people.This place has a large population and abundant resources. Whether it is survivors or zombies, the number is very large.

However, although it has already left the range of T City, strictly speaking, HB Province is also within the range affected by the tsunami, so although I really want to contact Jun Lie's sister, it is a pity that the satellite phone has not been able to communicate.

Fortunately, I also learned from Sister Junlie that HB Province has established three safety zones, and the population of survivors in each safety zone is more than 30. Even outside the large safety zones, there are still many teams .

The safe zone that is the furthest away from Luo Xiaran's current location is also a large base, but it needs to pass through two cities before arriving smoothly.

After Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie found a place to rest for the night, they decided to head towards this safe zone.It is not a good situation to be separated from the crowd for a long time. Without a source of information, it is not good if any problems cannot be found in time.

Although it is said that Luo Xiaran has five years of life experience in the last days, she was trapped in a city at that time, and the conditions for obtaining news were limited, not to mention the ever-changing situation after the end of the world, Luo Xiaran can't be arrogant, can she?

It's just that less than half a day after the two of them set off, they bumped into a team with a lot of victories.This team has a scale of several thousand people, driving large heavy trucks and fully loaded with food.

Luo Xiaran was deeply moved by the abundance of materials in HB province. From this point of view, her inn might not be able to earn any crystal nucleus if she built it here.But think about it, although the other party can find stored food, there may not be so many fresh vegetables or fruits and meat, right?
Most importantly, the purpose of establishing the inn here is to facilitate the communication between Jun Lie and his sisters. If you look at it this way, it's better not to care about the gains and losses of the crystal core.

Although Luo Xiaran values ​​crystal nuclei very much, the value of relatives cannot be calculated with crystal nuclei!After all, Jun Lie has always done his best when dealing with Luo Zhaoxian and his wife, so naturally Luo Xiaran can do the same.

Luo Xiaran didn't really care much about being blocked by the convoy. After all, they were just a small car, so they wouldn't attract much attention, would they?
It's a pity that Luo Xiaran doesn't understand, there are many things, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop...

(End of this chapter)

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