Chapter 743 The Base
After tentatively contacting the other party's mental power for a while, Luo Xiaran can be sure that although the other party can release mental power, but the level is quite different from her own.

This explains why this team can pull back a large amount of food so swaggeringly.Although there are many masters in the last days, without the assistance of psychic abilities, how can this team be intact and look very relaxed.

However, even though he was aware of the existence of the psychic, it was a pity that Luo Xiaran would not be able to discover the identity of the other party so quickly if the other party did not take the initiative to reveal his identity.After all, after taking back the psychic powers, the psychic powers are no different from ordinary people.

Seeing that the other party has been actively inviting herself and Jun Lie to their base, Luo Xiaran narrowed her eyes slightly, covered Jun Lie's hand, and gestured slightly.

"Then it's disrespectful. We've been on the road for a while, and it's time to take a break." After receiving Luo Xiaran's signal, Jun Lie, who originally didn't want to entangle with these people too much, changed his words.

Although it might be dangerous for the two of them alone to go to other people's territory, since Luo Xiaran wants to go, Jun Lie will naturally protect Luo Xiaran.

Anyway, when they came out, the two of them brought a lot of liquid-improved bombs. If it really didn't work, he wouldn't mind being ruthless at that time.How could the life and death of others compare to Luo Xiaran's safety.

Hearing that Jun Lie agreed, the man smiled with satisfaction, and then continued: "In this case, then follow us. We have gained a lot today, and you are lucky."

After walking behind the long convoy for about half an hour, a fortress-like building appeared in front of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.From the outside, the whole building looks like a round ball with its mouth half on the ground, shining with silver light.

After entering the building, Luo Xiaran noticed that from the inside, it seemed to be like the ceiling of the building, perfectly isolating the danger from the outside.

If you look carefully with your mental power, you can find that this fortress-like base, starting from the city wall, is all built with metal.If you want to achieve this level, then there should be not a few people with gold abilities in this base.

However, it is not an easy job to collect so much metal after the end of the world.It seems that this time I came to this base specially, maybe there will be some unexpected gains.

Probably because of following the convoy, although the military jeeps driven by Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were very unfamiliar, the team guarding the door did not seem to want to stop them.

The convoy drove all the way to the center of the base. Luo Xiaran did not restrain her psychic powers along the way, and the opponent's psychic powers did not intend to hinder Luo Xiaran.

According to Luo Xiaran's preliminary estimate, the population of survivors in this base is not large, only about 8 or [-] people.Moreover, the scope of the base is not large, otherwise it would be impossible for so much metal to surround the entire base.

Seeing the convoy stop, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie also stopped the car with them, and got out of the car.The man who greeted Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran before walked back to the two of them again, and led Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie warmly to the side of the building.

This is a department store. After entering, I realized that the department store had been converted into rooms one after another, and most of the team members who had walked in before had disappeared into the lobby.

(End of this chapter)

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