Chapter 755 Caravan
Of course, Jun Lie is not incapable of supporting Jun Lan and his wife to become the rulers of SJ City, but the problem is that they cannot quench their thirst. Even if they help them reach the top now, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie cannot stay here forever Help them maintain it, right?
The reason why they helped Tao Haolin and the others before was because Tao Haolin and the others were powerful enough to control a safe zone, so once they had supplies, they would have no worries.

But the situation of Junlan and his wife is different, not to mention that Luo Xiaran doesn't think that with Tai Yicheng and Junlan's temperament, it is good to be the power holders of the base.

Therefore, it is better to stay in the safe zone safely.Maybe there are not so many rights, but it will neither become cannon fodder nor be coveted by others, so it would be great, right?

Because of such considerations, even if they understand that the SJ safe zone may not be good, it is enough for Junlan and his wife to live and work in peace.What's more, Luo Xiaran wants to establish a branch inn in SJ City, so that their lives can be changed a lot.

Seeing Junlan's reluctance, Luo Xiaran thought slightly in her heart.In fact, the branch of the inn does not have to be established inside the safe zone, just like the Kyoto base, as long as there is enough popularity, business will naturally come to the door.

So if Jun Lan and his wife are not happy in the safe zone, maybe they can live in the inn.Didn't Luo Xiaran cooperate with Gu Yiru and the others in the caravan before? If Jun Lan and his wife also changed the team into a caravan, traveling around the safe area of ​​SJ Province, it would not only reduce the danger, but also save the time and money. You're in a place you don't like.

However, the caravan is not so easy to build. First of all, the Junlan and his wife's team must have enough strength. After all, if they can't protect the supplies they bring out, they will be very dangerous if they leave the inn.

Pursing her lips slightly, Luo Xiaran whispered her thoughts into Jun Lie's ear.Compared to managing a safe zone, of course it is easier to deal with the caravan, but Luo Xiaran is not sure what Junlan and his wife will choose.

After listening to Luo Xiaran's words, Jun Lie frowned, thought for a moment, and said to Jun Lan: "If the second sister and second brother-in-law are unhappy in the safe zone, why don't you help us look after the store."

Although the inn can be used by itself, Jun Lan and his wife don't know it, do they?Of course, Luo Xiaran didn't want her sister to be unhappy, so she said so.

"Opening a shop? Is it the inn you mentioned earlier?" Hearing this, Jun Lan asked curiously.Although after knowing Luo Xiaran's wood-type ability, Jun Lan understood that the materials sold by the inn that Jun Lie said should come from Luo Xiaran, but she still couldn't believe it without seeing it with her own eyes.

After all, the post-apocalyptic survivors are all in danger, and carefully hide everything they have to eat.However, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran did the opposite and sold supplies wantonly. Can Luo Xiaran really manage the inn?

Furthermore, if so many supplies are exchanged, people will inevitably covet them. Although the team of Jun Lan and his wife has nearly 7000 combat strength, Jun Lan is still slightly worried.

"Yes, when the time comes, the second sister and the second brother-in-law can lead a team to various safe areas to trade with people and form a neutral caravan. Although it is not completely without danger, working for yourself is better than being caught The restraint in the safe zone is much stronger." Jun Lie nodded, and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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