Chapter 757 Abundance
Walking all the way down the residential building, Luo Xiaran found that the team waiting outside had already started preparing for dinner.Because of the large number of people, several large pots were set up in the shade.

"What does Second Sister like to eat? This time I went out with a lot of chicken, duck and fish. Does Second Brother-in-law have any taboos?" Luo Xiaran asked while observing Junlan's team.

"It's good to just take some out, it doesn't need to be too expensive, your brother-in-law is not picky eater, as long as it is cooked. Can Ran Ran know how to cook? That's great, every time I cook, I have the feeling of frying the kitchen." Jun Lan said with a smile.

But I was thinking in my heart, even though Jun Lie also said about the edible meat of mutated animals before.In fact, they also knew the news before Jun Lie said it, but the problem is that the mutant animals are not so easy to solve.

What's more, it's not in groups, there are thousands of people in the whole team. If you catch a rabbit, who will eat it in the end?Even if it is boiled directly into soup, one person will not even be able to taste the meat.

So even if they knew that the mutated animals could be eaten, after Jun Lan's team captured the mutated animals, they would exchange them with other people for supplies.Although this will make everyone greedy, there will be no conflicts over a bite of meat.

"There are a lot of people, so it's better to grill fish and meat directly. If you use the grill, you may have to eat it until tomorrow, so you can support it with an iron rod and roast the whole fish directly." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips After thinking about it, he said.

Because there were mutated animal meat and normal animal meat, and because there were mutated fish meat, Luo Xiaran chose the normal animal for poultry.Anyway, for the first time meeting, let everyone eat meat until they are full.

"Okay, I'll get someone to help." Jun Lan squinted her eyes, and then waved to the logistics staff who were preparing to cook noodles in the corner.Because of the watermelon that Luo Xiaran sent out in the afternoon, the people in Junlan's team couldn't help but smile at Luo Xiaran when they saw Luo Xiaran following Junlan.

Leading the logistics staff into the corridor, Luo Xiaran began to take food out of the system backpack one by one.Suddenly a bloody, butchered pig appeared in the corridor, and everyone was stunned in surprise.

In fact, it was the first time for Jun Lan to see Luo Xiaran displaying her spatial abilities, but she quickly realized that she patted the female team members beside her and said, "Don't be dazed, let people move out."

In fact, Jun Lan didn't expect Luo Xiaran to take out a whole pig directly, so the team members who were called before were all female players.Although it has supernatural powers and offensive power, no one can easily move a pig weighing two to three hundred catties.

Next, Luo Xiaran took out a whole skinned cow, sheep, chicken and duck, as well as hundreds of big fish, crabs, and octopuses. The team members were shocked at the beginning, and finally turned numb, as if Like a dream.

"Enough is enough, Ranran, I can't eat that much." Seeing that Luo Xiaran was going to get vegetables and fruits from the system backpack, Jun Lan hurriedly opened her mouth to stop her.

She has seen the wealth of Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran, but they will go to other provinces and cities to visit other sisters, Jun Lan does not want the two to fail to go back and forth smoothly because they are hungry.

"Okay, if it's not enough later, I'll just take it out." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran nodded, looked at the supplies that were not even a fraction of a cow, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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