Chapter 769

"Leave him, he has what Ran Ran needs, and he can find those things." The prophecy Leng Xi saw was actually not very clear, at least he had no way of knowing what Luo Xia Ran needed.

But if Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie missed this monk, they would need to spend more time and energy in the next step. They would be busy traveling all over the world, even going through several dangers, which was not what Leng Xi wanted to see.

Because of Luo Xiaran, Leng Xi was able to stand up again; because of Luo Xiaran, Leng Xi found his lover for many years; also because of Luo Xiaran, the survivors in the northern province are better than other regions in terms of number and life hundreds of times.

Although Leng Xi was not a righteous person, Leng Xi knew very well that without Luo Xiaran, he would not be able to lead Fu Yixian to lead such a stable life.

It is also because of this that Leng Xi notifies Luo Xiaran in time every time he obtains an important prophecy.As long as Luo Xiaran and the inn can stay healthy, Leng Xi feels that his life will not change.

What's more, after Luo Xiaran's treatment, Fu Yixian was able to communicate with him for a short time. Although she hadn't engaged in any more intimate behaviors yet, Fu Yixian never resisted the kiss and hug.

"Okay, I see, thank you." Jun Lie understood after hearing this.What Luo Xiaran needs most is of course a meteorite that contains a large amount of system energy. If Aaron can really perceive the existence of the meteorite, then he will naturally keep it for Luo Xiaran.

He walked back to Luo Xiaran and sat down next to him. Jun Lie didn't hide much, and said to Luo Xiaran directly in front of Aaron: "Leng Xi's call, let me stay here, he can find those things."

"Oh?" Hearing what Jun Lie said, Luo Xiaran was very surprised. Can he sense the existence of meteorites?This is really a very beneficial behavior for her.It was also because of Leng Xi's opening that Luo Xiaran was even more convinced that she was the person Aaron was looking for.

"Have you seen a black meteorite before? It's dark and glowing, attracting zombies and mutated animals." Luo Xiaran nodded to Jun Lie, then asked Aaron.

Since Leng Xi said that he wanted to stay, Luo Xiaran naturally had to do his best.Even if he finds out that the person Aaron is looking for is not himself, Luo Xiaran can help.

It's just that if they bring Aaron with them, they won't be able to go back to Anping City through the inn.This is a troublesome question. Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but frowned. Sure enough, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes!

"Meteorite?" Although he didn't understand why Luo Xiaran asked this suddenly, Aaron nodded and said, "Yes, there is one in our temple, and I helped Master move it up the mountain. But it didn't attract any zombies." .”

"Well, maybe your master did something." Luo Xiaran frowned after hearing the words, and said speculatively.Although Luo Xiaran doesn't believe in Buddhism, she has experienced time travel and rebirth, so the existence of an eminent monk is not impossible.

"It's also possible." Aaron was still very convinced of his master.If what Luo Xiaran said about attracting zombies was true, then his master must have done something to not attract zombies into their temple.

(End of this chapter)

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