Chapter 799 Happy Cooperation
But even with the influence of Luo Xiaran's mental abilities, Tan Yanhai is not so impulsive.Naturally, the reason why Luo Xiaran released her psychic powers was not to get Tan Yanhai to agree on the spot, but just to test how far her psychic powers could go.

"[-]% off, if Mrs. Jun agrees, we can reach a cooperation." Xu Ke, who was sitting next to Tan Yanhai, said to Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie after being silent for a while.

Compared with Tan Yanhai, Xu Ke is in charge of the census work in the safety zone.Xu Ke is the one who knows best about the current bad situation in the safe zone.Therefore, their cooperation with Luo Xiaran is imperative.

After all, as Luo Xiaran said, vegetables and fruits are really the only ones like Luo Xiaran.If this business was snatched by others and bought at a high price, it would not be a clear choice.

Since he had to cooperate with Luo Xiaran no matter what, it was natural to obtain as many benefits as possible.Although the initiative is not in their hands, but judging from Luo Xiaran's current intentions, she still wants to cooperate with them.

The opportunity is right in front of us, and Xu Ke doesn't want to miss it.Seeing that Tan Yanhai nodded secretly after looking at him for a while, Xu Ke's heart became clearer.

"Thirty percent off? Yes, we want the exclusivity in the safe zone. Since it's a cooperation, I won't take too much advantage of you. For at least three months, I won't sell large quantities of materials to other forces. What do you two think?" "?" Luo Xiaran said, tapping the wooden table with her finger, after thinking for a moment.

As long as you earn something, it's just a matter of earning more and earning less.What's more, using three months in exchange for the full support of the second in command in the safety zone, this deal is not a loss for Luo Xiaran.Who made Luo Xiaran's supplies much cheaper than others.

"Okay, then it's a pleasant cooperation." Tan Yanhai's serious expression eased a lot when he heard that.As long as he is given three months, Tan Yanhai will naturally be able to firmly grasp the nearby large and small bases.

At that time, even if other people bought a large amount of supplies from Luo Xiaran, they would still need to travel a long distance to trade with other people, so the degree of danger naturally need not be mentioned.

"Happy cooperation." Jun Lie got up and shook hands with Tan Yanhai. During the whole conversation, Jun Lie didn't interrupt at all.If Jun Lie came to talk, maybe [-]% off is possible, but since the business is what Luo Xiaran wants to do, Jun Lie will naturally not intervene.

In Jun Lie's eyes, there is no such thing as a woman should stay at home and take care of her husband and children.All the women in the Jun family can hold up half the sky, and his wife, of course, can do the same.

Besides, being friendly with Tan Yanhai is not useless. Don't look at Tan Yanhai as the second in command of the safe zone, who only has one-third of the military power in his hands, but there are a lot of supernatural beings among them. If used properly, every You can get a lot of crystal nuclei every time you travel, and Luo Xiaran is not at a disadvantage.

After agreeing to pick up five thousand catties of vegetables and fruits in three days, Tan Yanhai took Xu Ke away.With so many fruits and vegetables, the rainy season is coming soon, so we need to find a good place and method to store them.

After watching Tan Yanhai and the two leave, Luo Xiaran said to Jun Lie: "The matter here has been settled, so let's go to see the third sister first, and then we are looking for fuel?"

(End of this chapter)

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