Chapter 806 Trading
It's a pity that the middle-aged man's team searched around for three days, and the amount of supplies they harvested was very small, not even enough for dozens of people to consume in a day. The middle-aged man who had always been optimistic was also a little disappointed.

City C itself is not very big, because there are many mountains, most people living here make a living by mining mineral deposits.Moreover, the turnover of personnel is relatively high, and although there is a lot of grain storage, after more than three years of consumption, it seems to be bottoming out now.

In order to survive, the best choice is of course to leave City C and go to other places.But without communication equipment, unable to get in touch with the outside world, where can they go?
What's more, this is not before the end of the world, and it is impossible to leave immediately.Because of this, middle-aged men are actually very welcome to Luo Xiaran and the other three who came in from outside.Perhaps, a way out could be found from the three of Luo Xiaran.

The three of Luo Xiaran knew nothing about the middle-aged man's thoughts.Noticing that the entire team had become somewhat decadent, Luo Xiaran still showed off some of her wood-type abilities after thinking about it.

You can't just watch someone lose hope of life in front of you, can you?What's more, Luo Xiaran still hopes that the middle-aged man will be a good person. Under the management of the middle-aged man, this team has a very good sense.

After seeing Luo Xiaran give birth to plants, the middle-aged man was so excited that he didn't know what to say.If it weren't for Jun Lie, who was staring at him, the middle-aged man would almost hug Luo Xiaran and shout happily.

With Luo Xiaran's move, the middle-aged man directly ordered the team to pack up for the return trip.From the middle-aged man's point of view, since Luo Xiaran and the others came here for Jun Zhu and his wife, they probably wouldn't leave their entire safety zone alone.

But the middle-aged man also knew very well in his heart that the three of Luo Xiaran might not stay in City C, but even if they didn't stay, everyone could go with them, right?
Under the leadership of the middle-aged man, the three of Luo Xiaran followed the team into the safe zone that night.Because of the guidance of the people in the security, after checking that there are no wounds on the body, and paying the supplies for entering the city, there are no other problems.

After being sent directly to the place where Junzhu and his wife were by the middle-aged man, Luo Xiaran proposed to make a deal with the middle-aged man.As soon as he heard that the crystal cores could be exchanged for supplies, the middle-aged man directly searched for all the crystal cores of the entire team and handed them all over to Luo Xiaran.

And Luo Xiaran did not disappoint the middle-aged man, not only miscellaneous grains, but also vegetables and fruits, Luo Xiaran also gave some to the middle-aged men's team.Just for the sake of safety, Luo Xiaran put these supplies directly in the car of the middle-aged men's team, and not many people saw them.

Seeing Luo Xiaran's spatial ability again, the middle-aged man looked at Luo Xiaran as if he saw the savior.However, due to Luo Xiaran's warning, the middle-aged man didn't say much, but quietly returned to his territory with supplies.

Jun Zhu and his wife lived in a small villa in the safe zone of City C. The guards at the door had noticed Luo Xiaran and the team of middle-aged men early on.While maintaining vigilance, someone ran to inform the people in the villa...

(End of this chapter)

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