Chapter 813
Since it was a surprise, of course Jun Lie couldn't just notice it casually.However, because Jun Lie had been with Luo Xiaran all the time, it was not until the fourth day that Luo Xiaran found the opportunity to set up a branch of the inn.

It was Luo Yan who helped Luo Xiaran and held Jun Lie back with Jun Zhu.But of course there is good news, because Junzhu is pregnant.Speaking of which, Junzhu has been married to Luo Yan for some years, and she has been using contraception before. Although the number of times of intimacy is relatively small after the end of the world, she really did not expect Junzhu to be pregnant.

While Jun Lie was with Jun Zhu who was feeling a little unwell, Luo Xiaran prepared meals by herself, and then left Jun Zhu and Luo Yan's bedroom with Chai Qing.

Of course, after arriving at the restaurant, Luo Xiaran quickly left the Luo family's villa after putting down enough supplies, and came to the place that Luo Yan had given her before.

This is also a small villa, where Luo Yan's subordinates lived before.But because Luo Xiaran was in a hurry, she asked someone to move to the villa on the other side, and squeezed in with other people temporarily.

Fortunately, the establishment of the inn did not require Luo Xiaran to stay inside the inn and wait, so after just half an hour, Luo Xiaran returned to the kitchen and started cooking.

Although Luo Yan has a doctor here, there is no professional medical equipment, and of course Luo Xiaran will not put these things in her system backpack. After all, she and Jun Lie are not doctors, at most they are just some medicines.

For the sake of safety, in the end Jun Zhu could only rest in bed.Fortunately, Luo Xiaran came and brought enough supplies, otherwise Junzhu's pregnancy would only be more troublesome.

After all, if it was the first two years, the supplies in the safe zone were still sufficient, but now, I can really only talk about what can be eaten, but nutrition and the like should not be considered.

Waking up early the next morning, after exchanging a passionate kiss with Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran said: "Although it's not a gift, I think it should be a surprise, go out with me and have a look, call Four = third brother-in-law and the others."

In fact, Luo Yan got the news early in the morning. After all, everyone found that the villa had changed a lot when they woke up, so the first thought was naturally what Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie said.

He was just concerned about Jun Lie's temper, so Luo Yan didn't go to wake them up.When Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran walked down the stairs hand in hand, they saw Luo Yan sitting in the living room with several men and women with serious expressions.

"Third brother-in-law, I'll invite you to visit me later, I need to make some preparations first." Luo Xiaran didn't care about the scrutiny from Luo Yan and the others, and said with a smile to these people.

And when Luo Xiaran said that, Jun Lie guessed that Luo Xiaran must have built another branch.Because Jun Lie couldn't adjust the system interface, Jun Lie couldn't detect anything when Luo Xiaran built the inn.

"It's just a branch, we can still afford it, don't think too much." Although I knew that Jun Lie didn't mention that building a branch in C City was concerned about his own problems, but for Luo Xiaran, Where to build a branch is actually not a big problem, as long as there is no extravagance and waste.

But of course Luo Xiaran was very happy that Jun Lie considered this for himself.After kissing Jun Lie uncontrollably, the two of them opened the door and entered the inn under the gazes of the surroundings...

(End of this chapter)

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