Chapter 822 Questions
Unfortunately, it is impossible for Jun Lie to accept Jun Mei's kindness.Not to mention their original purpose, that is, he has already finished watching the other three sisters, so how could he not visit Jun Mei favorably.

And Jun Mei knew Jun Lie's temperament, so in the end, she could only repeatedly tell Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie not to worry, they will not move for a short time, after all, the weather is hot now, people can be sunburned and skinned outside, even if there is ice People with supernatural powers can't go far.

After Jun Lie hung up Jun Mei's phone, he said to Luo Xiaran, who was preparing to rest at the side: "There is news from Zhenyan, the crystal nucleus gun, miscellaneous grain biscuits, and crystal nucleus converted energy. Small electrical appliances are already in short supply."

"Wow, it looks like the business is going well, but it's a pity that we don't have enough production staff." Luo Xiaran said with a happy smile when she heard this.Although I knew this business was easy to do, it was really exciting to sell out the stock so quickly.

If it was before, Luo Xiaran would probably be happier.It's a pity that with the large amount of system energy provided by the relics and Buddha statues, even though Luo Xiaran had harvested a lot of crystal nuclei, she was not as excited as before.

"Take your time. Anyway, crystal nucleus guns and small electrical appliances are not short-term consumables. They can always be used for a year or two. I have been paid attention to before. With the conditions of Anping City, I want to recruit research Personnel or technical jobs should not be a problem." Jun Lie naturally sensed Luo Xiaran's emotions, and smiled slightly as he rubbed the top of Luo Xiaran's hair.

Although they no longer lack the system energy for crystal nucleus transformation, the crystal nucleus can be supplied to the supernatural beings in the team, isn't it?The strength of one or two people is not considered strong, and only when everyone becomes strong can they live a more stable life in the end times.

"Well, there are still many places to go in the future, and I will find it sooner or later." Luo Xiaran also understood that things cannot be rushed, and after returning a smile, she began to prepare for a place to sleep.

Although the small city where they are now is already within the range of the oil field, it is a pity that there are no survivors, and they have to search carefully for the gathering places where other survivors are located.

After all, the area of ​​the oil field is also very large. Relying on Luo Xiaran's mental abilities, if you are lucky, it will probably take three to five days.In recent months, Luo Xiaran's psychic powers have been consumed too much, and she has become a little unstable.

Compared with the real wood-type supernatural ability that he had cultivated, Luo Xiaran's mental power actually had some vague problems after absorbing Ping Minnan's supernatural power core.

It's just that Luo Xiaran can only explore the spiritual power by herself.With the last advancement, now Luo Xiaran's mental strength fluctuated greatly, which attracted Luo Xiaran's attention.

So in the next period of time, Luo Xiaran needs to focus on stabilizing her mental abilities.Psychic abilities are a rare weapon, even if it's for her own safety, Luo Xiaran has to do her best.

Although Jun Lie is not a person with psychic powers, Luo Xiaran couldn't help frowning when he was resting recently, so Jun Lie also noticed it, and he planned to stay in this small town more day.

Anyway, the weather is so hot, even if they bring enough ice cubes, they will still be affected by the scorching heat...

(End of this chapter)

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