Chapter 827 Survivor

Hearing this, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie frowned.It is naturally impossible for the meteorite to move by itself, so it is very likely that someone is carrying the meteorite.It's just that even if a survivor is found, is it possible that the other party can know the news about Jun Mei?

It's a pity that even after more than a year, Luo Xiaran didn't find out the slightest reason why Aaron could perceive the existence of meteorites.So Luo Xiaran looked at Jun Lie, waiting for Jun Lie to make a decision.

"Follow." Jun Lie pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then nodded to Luo Xiaran and Aaron.No matter what the situation of the survivor with the meteorite was, it was the only one they could possibly get clues about.

After all, even if they continue to stay here, it is impossible to find more clues about Jun Mei, right?So a dead horse is a living horse doctor, what if the blind cat really meets a dead mouse?

Seeing Jun Lie like this, Luo Xiaran naturally didn't say much. After taking out the off-road vehicle, the three of them quickly moved forward according to the north that Aaron sensed.

Although the road is bumpy, fortunately a lot of mutated plants have disappeared, and Jun Lie, who is full of vitality, when he encounters a zombie animal, he mercilessly passes by with a fireball, and burns the zombie animal to nothing. up.

Now Jun Lie's fire ability has reached level eight, which is on par with Luo Xiaran's wood ability.And the gold-type ability is already in the middle of the seventh level, so it is naturally easy to deal with zombie animals below the sixth level.

Although Luo Xiaran's ability to advance has not been slow all the time, but because of a problem with her psychic ability, Luo Xiaran decided to suspend the advancement and wait to act with Jun Lie after much thought.

So even though he was stagnant in the oil field area for about a year, Jun Lie was the only one who had advanced abilities.Fortunately, Jun Lie's offensive ability is strong enough, and Luo Xiaran is not weak, so even if the level is suppressed, the attack power has not been greatly affected.

You know, even in Anping City, the highest level of survivors is only the top six.Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie had already far surpassed many supernatural beings, but who made them never lack crystal nuclei at all.

And the speed of advancement can be comparable to Luo Xiaran's two, Cheng Yan and Fu Yixian, two dark supernatural beings.Just for the sake of safety, Fu Yixian's level was suppressed intentionally by Leng Xi, as long as it was not lower than the mutant zombie, it was enough.

Ever since Luo Xiaran proposed the plan to train the zombie king, although there were some gossips in Anping City, after seeing Fu Yixian, who was not dangerous and would not take the initiative to attack, everyone settled down.

What's more, Leng Xi's identity as a prophecy has been announced by Xiao Zhenyan, so even if someone has an opinion on Fu Yixian's situation, considering the many contributions that the prophecy has made to Anping City, naturally they dare not Say something.

The three chased towards the north for more than ten days, and finally caught up with the survivors carrying the meteorite in a town.At this time, the team was being besieged by mutated animals and zombie animals. Seeing that they were at the end of their rope, luckily they met the three of Luo Xiaran.

With the addition of Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran's powerful fighting power, the exhausted team was able to breathe, but the battle did not end so easily, after all, there were thousands of animals under siege...

(End of this chapter)

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