Chapter 830 Betrayal and Siege

The longest wound on Jun Mei's body spread from her chest to the base of her thigh. Because there was not enough medicine and the weather was hot, Jun Mei's wound was already rotten.

What's more serious is that, according to Luo Xiaran's judgment, Jun Mei's uterine cavity may have suffered serious injuries as a result.It's a pity that Luo Xiaran is not a professional doctor, and what she can do is to treat the wound and let it heal. Luo Xiaran can't do other things, and she can't take care of it.

After all, Jun Mei's wound was very serious, and there was Zhai Ge who was probably also seriously injured. Luo Xiaran didn't have so much time, so in the end, Deji had to call a middle-aged woman to help Jun. Rose disposes of the carrion from the wound.

Since there is no anesthetic, the pain can be imagined.Luo Xiaran is now a little thankful that these two people are in a coma, otherwise such a serious wound and the pain of dealing with it would probably be exhausting.

With the assistance of Jun Lie's fire ability, Luo Xiaran and the middle-aged woman each held a dagger, and after more than an hour, they finally dealt with all the carrion on the wound.

Disinfect it with high-purity white wine, and then let Jun Lie burn it with fire. After this, Luo Xiaran cast the wood-type ability on Jun Mei's wound.

Because of the seriousness of the wound, even if Luo Xiaran's wood ability was already at level eight, it took about forty minutes to heal her.

And even if the trauma has been healed, the internal wounds will not return to normal so easily.After Luo Xiaran took out the medicine and handed it to the middle-aged woman to feed Jun Mei, she started to work on Zhai Ge's injury again.

Compared with Jun Mei, Zhai Ge's situation was even more serious, because Zhai Ge lost his forearm, and his arm could not survive due to the decay of the wound.

In addition to Zhai Ge's forearm, Zhai Ge's legs were also crushed by external forces. Even with Luo Xiaran's healing ability, it would not be able to solve this problem.It seems that the person who attacked Jun Mei and Zhai Ge was not a good person.

Jun Lie could also tell that when Luo Xiaran was treating Zhai Ge, he asked Deji directly.As Zhai Ge's deputy, he should be very clear about what happened before.

After some conversations, Jun Lie learned from Deji that the reason why Jun Mei and Zhai Ge were injured so badly was that someone in their team joined another team that wandered around the town before.

And the leader of the other party was interested in Jun Mei before the end of the world. Due to Zhai Ge's identity and ability, the other party has not taken any substantive actions. After the end of the world, he has no worries, and the other party will naturally do everything possible to get Jun Mei. .

Probably what they want most is what they can’t get, so even after the apocalypse, the two sides entangled each other, separated and met several times, finally let the other party find a chance and deal a fatal blow to Zhai Ge.

If it hadn't been for the sudden earthquake, Zhai Ge and Jun Mei might have really suffered.It's a pity that although they escaped from the enemy's siege, Zhai Ge and Jun Mei were seriously injured and dying.

Fortunately, when Jun Mei contacted Jun Zhu before, she heard the news that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were looking for a meteorite, so it was also because of the meteorite that the lives of Jun Mei and Zhai Ge were saved.

It's just that the meteorite not only saved their lives, but also brought endless attacks from zombies, zombie animals, and mutated plants. The team could only keep running for their lives...

(End of this chapter)

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