Chapter 841

Perhaps because they heard the movement of the convoy outside, several men and women came out of the bungalow one after another.The average age of several men and women should be 26 or [-] years old, and they all look sane.

Seeing this, Luo Xiaran was determined.The root cause of the appearance of the survivors in the safe zone is the impurities contained in the soil used to build the houses.

So why do this to the survivors of the safe zone?Although the survivors I met before were in different situations, it can be seen that the stronger the person, the more serious the situation of distraction.

Finally, a woman about 30 years old came out of the room.After glancing at the motorcade that had stopped, he frowned and said, "Didn't it be fine to send the person back? What's the matter with bringing them here?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiaran bit her lip.If they continue to be sent back to live in the previous house, it will only take another three to five days before their team will be assimilated by the situation in the safe zone.

Full of doubts in her heart, Luo Xiaran let the woman out of the car first according to her previous thinking.It's a pity that before the woman could approach, one of the men attacked the woman mercilessly.

It seems that the problem has been found.Although Luo Xiaran didn't know how the other party noticed it, but since that was the case, she stopped hiding and got out of the car with Jun Lie directly, and confronted several men and women.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?" Luo Xiaran released her control over the woman, but before the woman could react, she was already buried by the man's soil ability.

In the spiritual power, the woman quickly lost her vitality.Luo Xiaran frowned, feeling angry and disgusted with these people.After all, women are also their companions, aren't they?It's really cold-blooded and ruthless to kill a woman so easily.

"I just hope everyone will stay here. Isn't it good here? It's quiet and peaceful, with no disputes or dangers. Why do you want to leave?" Hearing Luo Xiaran's words, the 30-year-old woman smiled Looking at Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and others tenderly, he said.

"Heh, stay here to be a puppet-like existence?" Luo Xiaran sneered when she heard the words, released the mutated bitter grass and mutated grapevines, and then said: "I think you are sister Qiao, I advise you to hurry up Removed the ability to cast on my team members, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"For people as powerful as you, of course I wouldn't do that. Don't you think they are doing well around me? Stay here. There is plenty of water and food here. Why take the risk to go outside?" The woman Looking at Luo Xiaran's eyes were full of kindness. If you don't look at the woman's appearance, the woman gives you the feeling of an old man in his 80s or [-]s.

"Too much nonsense. Since I'm so ignorant, I'm not going to be polite." Luo Xiaran frowned, not wanting to listen to the woman's nonsense at all. After talking for only two sentences, Luo Xiaran understood the situation in front of her. A woman must be out of her mind.

"Hey, why bother." The woman sighed with regret, and then several other men and women standing next to the woman attacked Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie first...

(End of this chapter)

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