Chapter 845 Rest
Since someone stayed, Luo Xiaran established a branch of the inn in the safe area for future consideration.After all, without sister Qiao's control, these people would soon return to normal, and with their own family's control, the business of the inn would also improve a lot.

Although there were less than 200 people left, and there were about [-] others who were physically disabled, but most of them were soldiers, and it was still possible to manage a safe zone.

What's more, with a branch, Luo Xiaran can support them with supplies.In this case, if you still can't control the safe zone, then it's really worthless.

After the inn branch was established that night, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were not in a hurry.After all, Sister Qiao's abilities had an impact on the team members. There were more than five hundred of them. If they were to go on the road like this, they would need to be distracted from taking care of these 'giant babies', which would be a bit troublesome.

This stay lasted for a month, and then the opening ceremony of the cold winter came as scheduled.Heavy snow engulfed the whole world in a raging surge, and the seventh year of the last days has come.

Because of the heavy snow, the departure time of Luo Xiaran and others was further postponed.Since I haven't seen Luo Zhaoxian and his wife for a long time, after Yu Junmei and his wife greeted each other, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie returned to the main store from the branch inn.

Although there is no custom of celebrating the New Year after the end of the world, Anping City still distributes some dumplings on New Year's Day and the first day of the Lunar New Year.There are only five for everyone, male, female, old or young, and of course they are stuffed with meat, so although the number is relatively small, everyone is very happy.

It's not that the men, women and children in Anping City can't afford meat and dumplings, it's just that eating them in normal times is different from eating them at other times.What's more, it's distributed by the inn for free. Not only does it taste good, but it also doesn't cost money. Even after the end of the world, many people still like things like taking advantage of it.

But when Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie came back, there was still one and a half months before the New Year.Although the time aspect was chaotic for a while after the end of the world, Anping City, which had settled down, naturally picked up the previous date and time.

In the trading center of Anping City, an electronic watch will tell the time on time every day.Although there is not much use, but at least it gives people a sense of comfort.

Because Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie came back suddenly, Luo Zhaoxian and his wife were naturally very happy.The school does not open when it snows heavily, but when the heavy snow stops, the school remains open.

After all, compared to the home, the school is equipped with air-conditioning, which makes it warm in winter and cool in summer. Of course, children like being in school.What's more, the food in the school is much better than the food in the home. Although the children are young, they have learned to choose better ones.

This time, the first snow fell for eleven days, one day more than last year, and the thickness of the snow has increased by about ten centimeters.Fortunately, the houses in Anping City have been reinforced, so there is no damage caused by the snow.

Taking advantage of the time when there was nothing to do, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie also went to several other safe areas with inns to take a look.No matter what you say, it is considered an 'alliance', so you have to check each other's situation.After all, not everyone has a satellite phone, and the connection to the radio station is not stable. It can't compare to seeing it with your own eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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