Chapter 847 Fire Pit
Since the mutated birds were overwhelming, the number was very large, and they were still under the sky, which greatly increased the difficulty of the battle, so when the battle ended, it was already three hours later.

If Luo Xiaran hadn't equipped everyone with a crystal nucleus gun, the fighting time might have been even longer for the supernatural beings who only relied on long-range attacks.As for the existence of the crystal nucleus gun being seen by outsiders, Luo Xiaran didn't have too much trouble.

Anyway, the existence of the crystal nucleus gun is no secret in the northern province, and even Kyoto knows the existence of the crystal nucleus gun.It's a pity that it's inconvenient to travel now, so even if someone has some calculations in mind, it's not so easy to do.

What's more, this team didn't lead to misfortune before, and it seems to be quite loyal.Although it didn't play any role, at least there was an attitude there, which made people look up.

But after the battle is over, everyone still needs to get the beast cores everywhere.Although the beast nucleus was very dangerous to other people, to Luo Xiaran, no matter how small a mosquito's legs were, it was still meat.

Due to the large number of people, although they were a little tired, everyone still managed to solve the wreckage everywhere.However, no one is interested in the corpse of the mutated bird.

First of all, there are zombie birds among these wreckages, and it is not known whether they have been contaminated by zombie viruses.What's more, these birds are not big, only the size of a fist, and they don't have much meat, so it's troublesome to clean them up, so it's better to give up.

When Luo Xiaran and others were collecting the beast core, no one in that team got off the car.Let's not talk about whether they know about the problem that these beast-core abilities cannot be absorbed, but at least 90.00% of the mutated birds are solved by Luo Xiaran's team, and the other party is also embarrassed to come down and take it.

Putting away the beast core, seeing that it was already afternoon, the sun began to set.So Luo Xiaran looked around and saw that the surroundings were still safe, so she decided to rest in the nearby building tonight.

While asking people to clean up the resting place for the night, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie walked to the team staying aside.After all, after walking for so long, I finally met survivors, so I should be able to know some things around me and the location of the safe zone from their mouths.

"Hi, both of you, thank you for what happened just now." A middle-aged man got out of the car first when Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie walked over, and said thank you to them.

After being chased by a flock of mutated birds for three days, the middle-aged man looked pale and his eyes were full of exhaustion, but he still cheered up and talked with Luo Xiaran.

Through the dialogue with the middle-aged man, they knew that there is a safe zone a few kilometers away to the northeast.There are more than 20 survivors in the safe zone, but it is not stable.

The reason why they came out was because there was a riot in the safe zone, and the current mess made them not want to stay any longer.It's just that they didn't go far, they were targeted by the mutated birds, and a large number of people were lost, and the whole team was scattered.

Regarding Luo Xiaran's group's idea of ​​going to the safe zone, the middle-aged man hesitated for a while, and then tried to dissuade them.No matter how Luo Xiaran saved their lives, the middle-aged man couldn't watch Luo Xiaran and the others fall into the fire pit.

Although the strength of Luo Xiaran and others is good, the number of them is only less than 1000. Compared with the number of people in the safe zone, there is still a big gap...

(End of this chapter)

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