Chapter 873 Ten Years
After everyone discussed, they also found a solution to the mutant plant king.After all, the mutated octopus also said that these kings are attracted to each other, so they can use the mutated octopus as bait?

Of course, doing so will have a certain impact on the safety of the safe zone.But no matter how big the impact was, it was nothing more than the invisible king of mutated plants, so after repeated discussions, everyone agreed to this method.

But from this point of view, they need to go to the safe zone to prepare.Because that river is not a short distance from the safe zone, if you wait until the King of Mutated Plants appears to prepare, it may be too late.

Although Luo Xiaran and the mutant octopus didn't have a good relationship, Luo Xiaran would not deliberately let the mutant octopus fight the mutant plant king, and then be that squirrel.

After all, mutated octopuses are useful anyway, aren't they?For example, mutant octopuses can help catch aquatic products in the river. Now that humans have no way to go into the water, how can they compare with species that live in the water.

What's more, although the mutated octopus lived in the sea before, it seems that it can survive as long as there is water.This kind of existence with strong vitality, stronger force value, and will not take the initiative to attack them, naturally it is best to befriend the mutant octopus.

After greeting Tao Haolin and others from the Kyoto base, and setting the reward for this support, Luo Xiaran and the others returned to Anping City in two groups.Because of the fighting, the city of Anping became much quieter.

Ordinary personnel are busy preparing the supplies needed for the battle, while the supernatural beings are hurrying to practice.Everyone in the entire Anping City was sitting and preparing together, making Luo Xiaran feel happy.

After all, after accepting Aaron's so-called savior, Luo Xiaran naturally had to do her best.But if all the people who are saved are ungrateful people who just eat and wait to die, then even if Aaron is by his side, Luo Xiaran will not save such people.

Besides, even though Aaron is a monk, he is not a compassionate character.Along the way before, it's not that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie didn't kill people, didn't Aaron express any objections?Even Aaron has killed people.

Just as everyone was actively preparing, the cold winter passed by in a hurry.After absorbing the crystal nucleus of the mutated zombie king, Jun Lie has successfully advanced to become a tenth-level supernatural being.

Because Jun Lie is the lord of Anping City, not to mention the fact that some people have long used the name 'tyrant' to call Jun Lie in private, so now, this title has been put on the surface.

Jun Lie didn't have any opinion on this.Jun Lie himself only cares about Luo Xiaran and others, not to mention that outsiders are all insignificant existences, so why bother to face them with a pleasant face.Some people always like to push their noses in the face, and the tyrant can better ensure the stability of Anping City.

Until it was about to pour down, and the end of the world had reached its tenth year, the mutated plant king who had been silent for a long time finally started hunting.Like the other two kings who were not small, the mutated plant king really came and went quietly, taking the lives of countless survivors.

By the time Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and others received the news, no less than ten safe zones had already been annihilated in the hands of the mutated plant king.If it weren't for the fact that people were arranged to survive around the mutated octopus before, it is estimated that when they receive the news, the safe area where the branch is located will probably be wiped out silently...

(End of this chapter)

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