Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 102 Love Interstellar Commander 40

Chapter 102 Love Interstellar Commander 40
There were two more standing by the door.

Calliot was afraid Bai Xiaoyuan didn't see it.

But he knew it in his heart, although he was happy the moment he saw this human woman wake up, even though the first thing she said when she woke up was to praise herself for being handsome, he was even happier.But he was still struggling.

Yes, that's it, continue to stretch, to stretch.

"Why don't you speak, have you been dumbed by beta acid?"

"Ah!" Cariott sighed and explained, "Hey!" Cariot couldn't bear to ignore this human woman, and explained, "My recovery ability is not comparable to that of your human beings, so it's you who is better than me."

Bai Xiaoyuan struggled to sit up and found that apart from a little dizziness, there was no pain anywhere else in his body.

She stretched out her hands, and found that the two cut marks had long since disappeared. Looking carefully, there were traces of nano-robots on the palms.

"Fan Que Li?" Bai Xiaoyuan called out silently.

Calliotte, who was standing right in front of her, blocking most of her sight, was a little displeased.

And Bai Xiaoyuan didn't expect that he just muttered something softly and got an immediate response.

"It's me, I'm here." Fan Que Li's voice came from the door.

Bai Xiaoyuan rushed to the surprise, followed the prestige, and showed him a smile that survived the catastrophe.

"You must be hungry, come here." Fan Que Li personally brought the food and water in the hands of the entourage, which was about to be taken to Bai Xiaoyuan.

But Somir on the side didn't allow it.

Somir immediately stopped Fan Que Li, "Let me do it."

Saumir handed over the tray not very gently.

Bai Xiaoyuan touched his nose, but didn't answer.

"What's wrong with you?" Somir asked impatiently.

"Your Highness the Princess doesn't want to see me so much, so now bring me food with your own hands." Bai Xiaoyuan paused again, lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "Is it poisonous?"

"You!" Saumir was furious, "If it wasn't for the sake of saving my brother, do you think I rarely come to see you?"

"Okay! Stop arguing, both of you, you belong to the same family." Calliote spoke out to dissuade him at this time, and raised his hand to check Gesomir.

Bai Xiaoyuan was taken aback.

Are they all in the same family?What the hell?She understood the literal meaning, but she couldn't understand the deep meaning behind it.

She raised her head, and her eyes for help fell on Fan Que Li's face.

Calliot frowned.

He took a sip of water from the cup first, then handed it to Bai Xiaoyuan, "I tried it, it's not poisonous, you can drink it now."

"Brother!" Saumir couldn't help but stepped forward, "Are you serious?"

Bai Xiaoyuan felt extremely parched. Seeing that the water was not poisonous, she took it and gulped it several times.

"It seems that you are real..." Somir seemed to hate iron for steel, and sighed in disappointment and regret.

Bai Xiaoyuan's eyebrows were about to wrinkle into a ball, what kind of charades are these two brothers and sisters playing?It's really puzzling.

Fan Que. Li has been watching Bai Xiaoyuan and Cariot.

Seeing Bai Xiaoyuan cast a questioning look at him again, he twitched the corner of his mouth unwillingly, "On Pruit Star, only couples will exchange food and drinks with each other."

Bai Xiaoyuan withdrew his gaze, and his gaze fell on the cup in his hand.

She suddenly recalled that when Calliot fed her for the first time, she had invited him to eat that dragon fruit together.

But Calliot refused.

At that time, she thought that Cariot couldn't bear to eat her pet.

As everyone knows, the Pruitt people still have such a custom.

It's like the bed of the earthlings, which can only be shared with one's own partner.

Bai Xiaoyuan stretched out the cup towards Calliot dumbly, "It's impossible to spit out the water again, is there still time to return the cup to you?"

 From the author's draft box - continue to ask for recommendation tickets

(End of this chapter)

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