Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 120 Love Interstellar Commander 【Extra】

Chapter 120 Love Interstellar Commander 【Extra】

[Detected that the host's mood is extremely unstable]

Bai Xiaoyuan sniffled, "I'm very sad, I'm so sad, I think it will affect my going to work tomorrow, it's not fair to me."

[Eep, blame me for being a test server, my bug hurt you] The little girl in the system actually started crying.

[The programmer brother opened a function for me, do you want to try it? 】

"What function?"

【clear cache】

"You mean, when I return to reality from a plane, I can choose to forget those experiences?"

[No, this is clearing the cache, not deleting records.The records will be kept, but those are just an innocuous memory to you. The feelings you have given will be nothing when you return to reality. Think about it, 5.4.3...]

"Okay, you are still so foolish, every time the multiple-choice questions are given so quickly, you have to choose if you don't choose. I want to activate this function. If this is the case, you can take me back to have a look."

Fan Que. Li created a batch of human beings in the shortest time.

There are indigenous peoples on the earth again.

On behalf of human beings, Fan Que Li applied for residency qualifications to the Galactic Security Bureau in order to obtain security. From then on, the earth is no longer a piece of unowned fat in the eyes of the planets.

However, his extraction failed again.

He used up the last drop of blood on Bai Xiaoyuan's body, trying to clone a pure gene that she needed to extract completely belong to her, but when the protective layer was melted away, her blood was polluted.

The dozens of people he cloned before were not pure her.But each of them has the shadow of Bai Xiaoyuan on them.

But this is the last drop of blood.

Fan Que Li stood there in a daze for a while, and suddenly frantically brushed away all the utensils and equipment on the test bench. He slumped on the ground and murmured, "I'm sorry."

Bai Xiaoyuan told the system, "He seems to be really guilty. In fact, he took good care of me during that time."

【Well, it's obvious to all】

Bai Xiaoyuan nodded and asked the system, "Is there nothing we can do except watch?"

【What do you want to do? 】

"Since I've returned to this plane, even though I can't show up, I'm still that Bai Xiaoyuan, right? I want to give him a drop of blood."

With a 'click', there was a drop of blood in the transparent test tube.

Fan Que Li calmed down and got up to clean up the mess on the test bench.

But his gaze was attracted by a drop of blood in the test tube.

"One more drop?" He smiled excitedly, immediately packed up the test bench, and started a new round of cloning.

Somir flew back to Planet Pruit holding Calliotte's head.

She immediately brought her brother's head back to Sky City. It stands to reason that her brother is not dead. As long as he takes good care of this head, he will regenerate. It's just a matter of time.

However, one month or two months passed, but the other parts of Calliot never grew out, and the only remaining head gradually petrified.

And a few months ago, in the dark night on the surface of Pruitt.

In a certain cave, a thin figure is struggling to climb a huge plant towards the entrance of the cave.After climbing for a long time, I finally left this ghost place.

At that time, in order to obtain beta acid at any time, Fan Que Li deliberately left a teleporter in that cave.

When she was dying, Bai Xiaoyuan turned on another teleporter on her body, and was teleported there in an instant. What she brought along with her was a finger of Calliot.She was extremely weak when she climbed up, but there was still some remnants of the bottle of beta-acid mixed nanorobots that Fan Que Li had given her earlier, which she used to heal her wounds.

She felt itchy in her palm, and opened her eyes to see that it was the finger in the palm, beating restlessly.

"Cariot, your life is really big."

So the best of both worlds, I don’t have any opinion on Ni Meng^_^
(End of this chapter)

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