Chapter 144
Bai Xiaoyuan finally received an official announcement from the crew of "Three Realms".

The sword spirit Remnant Blood she plays is finally going online.

Before departure, Zhou Shu called her to have a talk.

"The attention of "Three Realms" is too high, so the crew changed the way of broadcasting, and now it is filming and editing while broadcasting, and the format of the weekly drama, judging from the ratings of the first two episodes, it is really great You can see for yourself, your little sister’s Weibo fans have skyrocketed overnight, from more than 30 to almost 150 million now. Although she is the second female number, she will rise to 500 million after the show is over Definitely not a problem."

Bai Xiaoyuan lowered his head and silently glanced at the number of his Weibo fans, including the navy, it was 12.

It's so shabby.

She still wants to be a queen, and the starting point is too low.Bai Xiaoyuan couldn't help worrying and frowned.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait until your part is broadcast, I have other things to do today, you can join the group yourself."

Bai Xiaoyuan nodded, thinking about it.

According to this progress, I can't see it. I have been here for nearly a month, and I have made a little progress in matching the hero and heroine to fall in love, but I don't even have a shadow of the actress here.

Hurriedly rushed to the crew, Bai Xiaoyuan immediately threw himself into filming.

She was playing the role of Sword Spirit, and as long as she appeared in the scenes, she was almost always with the leading male Mo Feng, that is, Tang Yuan.

Apart from his good looks, Tang Yuan's popularity is also online.

Playing with him is really enjoyable, and Bai Xiaoyuan in this plane is also a malleable talent.Basically, it belongs to the type that is weak when it is weak, and strong when it is strong.

All the dramas received by Gu's Media before were bad, and the opponents who acted with her frankly said they didn't have any real skills.But this time is different, Xu Mier, Tang Yuan, including Li Ya who has been working hard, and the entire crew of "Three Realms", their strength should not be underestimated.

After filming a scene, Bai Xiaoyuan found that he was too involved and could hardly get out of the character setting of the sword spirit with residual blood.

When resting, she still had a cold face like a cold weapon.

Even when Liya came to say hello to her, she didn't slow down, and gave Liya a cold look.

"What's wrong with you, Yuanyuan?" Ria shrank a little, "Your expression scared me."

Bai Xiaoyuan explained, "I haven't come out of the sword spirit yet."

She took a sip of water and congratulated Liya, "You have received a lot of attention in the last two episodes, congratulations."

A happy smile appeared on Liya's face, "All the hard work is worth it."

Speaking of this, Bai Xiaoyuan suddenly heard a cold snort.She followed the reputation, and it turned out to be Xu Mier's manager.

Bai Xiaoyuan remained calm and continued to chat with Liya.

While chatting, Bai Xiaoyuan brought the topic to Xiao Rui, "By the way, Liya, did Mr. Xiao reply to your WeChat later?"

Speaking of this, Liya had a strange expression on her face, "Yes, but it's very strange. He was forcing an awkward chat with me, some words that I couldn't connect with at all, very nonsensical. Then he invited me to dinner, why? There's no reason at all, why should I go out to dinner with him, it's not good to be photographed."

Bai Xiaoyuan opened his mouth wide in surprise, this Xiao Rui is really obedient.

She said that she wanted to chat to get closer, treat her to dinner and date, and he really did.But thinking about the way he talks to himself, one can imagine how embarrassing it would be for him to chat with Riya in the tone of a domineering president who cherishes words like gold!

It seems that she has to do it herself!
(End of this chapter)

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