Chapter 157
The person Xiao Rui found was safe, but when the police arrived, everyone dispersed.

This was the first time in Liya's life that she rode in a police car. She felt aggrieved, she wiped away her tears and immediately dropped new ones.

Xiao Rui sent her a message, "Don't go to the company dormitory for now, you can't go back to the house you rented before"

Riya's eyes were blurred, 'Then where else can I go? '

Xiao Rui didn't talk nonsense, just dumped an address over, '32**98 is the password to open the door'

Ria was a little dumbfounded.

The scenery outside the window keeps receding. It turns out that at this moment, only he can accommodate himself in this city.

Under Xiao Rui's instruction, the company's legal department directly sent a lawyer's letter.

Bai Xiaoyuan contacted Tang Yuan immediately after seeing Weibo.

"Is this forcing you to come out and clarify?"

Tang Yuan said indifferently, "So what, I won't admit that it's a bug, and whoever should be sued for slander can sue for slander. That's why you called?"

Bai Xiaoyuan raised his eyebrows, thought for a moment, and replied, "I...I'm worried that you won't please the public."

"Joyce is good at handling these, you don't have to worry. How is the knight in place?"

While replying to him, Bai Xiaoyuan checked Xiao Rui's private message on his notebook, "Well, he should have already booked the fastest ticket to return home. Liya said that she is now in Xiao Rui's villa. Soon she will be alone and widowed." , are in the same room."

"How do you thank me?" Tang Yuan didn't want to hear her talking nonsense about others, so he interrupted her.

"How do you want me to thank you?" Bai Xiaoyuan threw the question back.

Tang Yuan paused, as if he had made a major decision, "After the filming of this film is finished, you can go with me to relax."

Bai Xiaoyuan was a little surprised, "That's it?"

Tang Yuan chuckled, "Yes, that's it, I will decide the location."

Xiao Rui knew that Xu Mier was playing tricks.

No one but her would be so eager to tarnish Ria's reputation.

Xiao Rui blocked the accounts of several Weibo marketing accounts, which can be regarded as a wave of cleansing for Li Ya, but Li Ya has almost been positioned as a black material female artist.

At present, Victoria can only insist that the rabbit bug was maliciously slandered.

JOYCE also voiced for Tang Yuan, saying that the pendant in his hand was just an ordinary accessory on the market.

Xiao Rui actually doesn't mind being cruel to Xu Mi'er, but "Three Realms" has invested too much money and production, it can be said that it affects the whole body, and now because of Liya's scandal, it has already discredited the Three Realms .

As the producer of "Three Realms", he naturally couldn't push the leading lady into the pit of fire.

Therefore, Xiao Rui chose another path.

Xu Mier is currently negotiating a movie and two dramas, and he has a foot in it. Xu Mier wants to take these roles, but there is no way.

A week later, Ria re-entered the group.

It is worth mentioning that she came with Xiao Rui.

Seeing that the conversation between them was not as tense as before, Bai Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

But Xu Mier didn't think so in her heart. Li Chao told her that the dramas she was negotiating with suddenly disappeared. Xu Mier knew that it must be Xiao Rui's mess, but she didn't expect that Xiao Rui would do it for that woman. It actually did this.

I heard that Xu Mi'er got into a fight with Xiao Rui in private over this matter, but of course it ended up embarrassing herself.

The more she kept making trouble for Liya on the set, the closer the relationship between Liya and Xiao Rui became.

Because now Liya can see clearly that Xiao Rui treats her sincerely.Even though the way he expressed it was a bit domineering, once she figured it out and worked hard to manage it, she realized that all of this could be sweet.


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(End of this chapter)

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