Chapter 165
As soon as Tang Yuan returned to China, he heard the news that the online drama "Peerless Love Concubine" had a counterattack, became a dark horse, and the cumulative number of broadcasts was far ahead.

"Is it really so beautiful?" Tang Yuan didn't believe it, and reached out to his assistant for a mobile phone, "Bring me to see."

The assistant obediently offered his mobile phone, and persuaded him in disguise, "Brother Yuan, I'll go and order you a new mobile phone right away, is it a silver one?"

Tang Yuan rolled his eyes at him, "Who pays?"

The corner of the assistant's mouth twitched, and he thought, of course you pay for your own mobile phone.

But there is no way, he is the boss, he is the ancestor, if he doesn't want to pay by himself, he can only pay by himself, and the red envelope at the end of the year will still be distributed by the big boss Yuange.

The assistant smiled and said, "I, I, I, I go out!"

Unexpectedly, Tang Yuan was even more dissatisfied, it was no longer as simple as a blank stare, it was simply a slap in the face, "What does it have to do with you, why do you want to pay?"

"Huh?" The assistant was very tired.

But after thinking about it left and right, he slapped his hands and figured it out, "Yes, yes, this phone should be compensated by Bai Xiaoyuan."

Tang Yuan threw the phone to her, "Tell her to come out."

Fortunately, the assistant reached out quickly, otherwise the phone would hug the earth, so he quickly contacted Bai Xiaoyuan on WeChat and asked her to come out to meet.

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyuan is struggling with Weibo.

She didn't bother to check the messages coming in from WeChat.

"Peerless Concubine" has a good number of hits, but the topic of "Peerless Concubine" including their male and female protagonists has never been trending on Weibo.

She posted two Weibo posts in a row to celebrate the 10 billion hits in 13 episodes of "Peerless. Love. Concubine", but they were all blocked by pornographic waves.

It would be an excuse to say that she operates frequently, but after the first one was blocked, she sent the second one after nearly 6 hours. Without exception, they were all blocked.

Even the male protagonist of "Peerless. Favorite. Concubine" who reposted her Weibo was blocked, and there was no trace to be found.

Bai Xiaoyuan felt a little chilled, and threw the phone on the sofa.

After many inquiries, Zhou Shu finally figured it out. He also had a headache, and said helplessly, "This is the opponent's explosion protection."

"What do you mean?"

"Prevent you from becoming popular."

"Then what should we do? Are we just waiting to die like this?" Bai Xiaoyuan knew that although he could be ruthless at critical moments, Zhou Shu was a professional in promoting this area.

Zhou Shu frowned and shook his head, ""Peerless Love Concubine" doesn't have the ability, if they have the funds to buy X Wave's trending searches, is it still necessary to make online dramas? On our side, Zhou Shu gritted his teeth and had to compromise, "Continue to speak with your works."

Bai Xiaoyuan slumped into the sofa irritably, "If my popularity doesn't increase, there won't be any good shows looking for me. I don't have much time."

"What did you say?" Zhou Shu came over, "Why is there not much time, maybe something is wrong with your body?"

"No!" Bai Xiaoyuan said casually, "I mean, what we do in this line of work is youth food, how many years do I have? I'm sorry, I'm too impatient."

Zhou Shu comforted her, "It's okay, you should adjust well these few days, and don't post randomly on Weibo. Without Mr. Xiao's support, the opponent you and I can't fight."

"Who is it?" Bai Xiaoyuan really didn't study it carefully.

"Gu." Zhou Shu sipped his saliva, "Your old club, they were also planning to shoot a time-travel drama in ancient costumes, and it will be scheduled for the beginning of next month. With the same theme, your "Peerless Love Concubine" will start first. It was on, and it was quite popular, so they couldn't sit still and resorted to tactics."

Bai Xiaoyuan frowned, it was Gu Ci.

Damn it, even if they change companies, Bazi and him are still at odds!

 I wish you all happy and healthy ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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