Chapter 169
Bai Xiaoyuan felt guilty and her heart beat faster.

She frowned, opened her mouth, and reached for the phone, "Give it back to me."

"He's giving you advice, don't you want to hear his professional advice?"

Bai Xiaoyuan's face was sullen, "I don't want to! Give it back to me."

"What? Did you become angry from embarrassment?" Tang Yuan raised his hand and pushed Bai Xiaoyuan against the glass wall, trapping him between his strong arms and solid chest.

He clicked on Zhou Shu's voice slowly and played it.

Zhou Shu's voice suddenly rang out in the small encirclement created by Tang Yuan: "Xiao Yuan, is Zhao Jia here yet?"Did you buy the fruit I asked you to buy? He likes to eat grapes, and I sent you the synopsis of "Youth with Nowhere to Place", so hurry up and make up for it. '

'How is it, is anyone here?I sent you a video of other parts of your audition before, if you use it, you can show this to Zhao Jia'

There are still voices below, Tang Yuan intends to open them one by one.

Bai Xiaoyuan finally took the phone away.

Tang Yuan hated, he frowned tightly, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Bai Xiaoyuan, I have done all the deeds of Heiliya with you, and you are still doing this with me secretly."

Bai Xiaoyuan closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened her eyes again, she already looked arrogant and arrogant, "I'm not cheating on you, you asked Zhao Jia and me at the same time, isn't it just to introduce me? Is there something wrong with me doing what I like with Zhao Jia?"

Hearing what she said, Tang Yuan felt uncomfortable and clenched his fists tightly.

Bai Xiaoyuan, who was close to him, felt the violent ups and downs of his chest, and she herself was panting like a cow at the moment, she tilted her head, and said in a low voice, "Don't slap your face."

Tang Yuan gave a low cry, and punched the glass wall behind Bai Xiaoyuan.

Bai Xiaoyuan glanced at it, and his knuckles turned bruised immediately.

"I'm sure, right!" Tang Yuan pulled Bai Xiaoyuan away, "Okay, I'll introduce you to Zhao Jia now!"

He dragged Bai Xiaoyuan to the living room.

Zhao Jia was looking through Tang Yuan's photos boredly, when he suddenly saw Tang Yuan angrily pulling a girl out, he was extremely surprised and startled.

"What... what's going on?"

Tang Yuan rubbed his injured wrist, "Isn't there still a shortage of heroines?"

"Yes." Zhao Jia nodded, then pointed to Bai Xiaoyuan, "You mean this one?"

"How is it possible?" Tang Yuan smiled maliciously at Bai Xiaoyuan, "She is a part-time worker I hired, and I asked her to buy your favorite grapes, and she also washed them one by one."

Zhao Jia felt that things were not so simple, and he seemed to be superfluous, so he felt very embarrassed. There is no need to go into such details about buying grapes and washing grapes.

Tang Yuan went on to say, "I have a suitable candidate for the heroine. It's my junior sister from the same company. She can act innocently, and can also be portrayed as mature and coquettish. It just fits the two life stages of the heroine in the original book."

"Okay, I can discuss it in detail when I meet someone." Zhao Jia glanced back and forth between the two people in front of him. This girl seemed familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Tang Yuan took a deep breath, looked down at Bai Xiaoyuan, suppressed his anger, and said coldly, "You can go!"

Bai Xiaoyuan looked back at Tang Yuan quietly for a moment, without saying a word.

Then he quickly picked up his bag on the sofa, and strode away without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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