Chapter 187
Bai Xiaoyuan lowered his head slightly, tears could not stop falling from his eyes.

Crying and laughing, she pushed open the door of the lounge.

Tang Yuan heard the conversation between her and her assistant outside, almost the moment he opened the door, he pulled the person in front of him into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Bai Xiaoyuan wrapped his arms around his waist, sobbing, "Tang Yuan, I didn't get the prize, I didn't get anything."

Tang Yuan slumped down her back, and after a long silence, he spoke comfortingly, "I saw the final number of votes, Yuan Yuan, many so-called awards have shady backgrounds. If we value these extraneous things too much, we will end up with nothing but The bondage is getting tighter and tighter, and there is no way to escape."

Tang Yuan spoke indifferently, as if describing his glorious and dishonorable past.

Bai Xiaoyuan didn't respond, she knew what he said was right, but what she wanted in this world was an award, a title, and a name.

Tang Yuan let go of her slowly, bent down to meet her eyes, "Yuanyuan, let's leave this dirty and deceitful circle."

Such face-to-face, such a long time of separation, until now, Bai Xiaoyuan had the time and opportunity to look at the man in front of him carefully.

He is still so handsome, but he has lost weight, and his eyes are often filled with a touch of sadness and depression.

Tang Yuan suddenly grabbed Bai Xiaoyuan's hand, and knelt on the ground on one knee. He took out a small elegant gray velvet box from his trousers pocket, opened it, and there was a sparkling diamond ring inside.

Tang Yuan smiled warmly, his eyes were sincere, but the veins throbbing slightly on his forehead revealed his uneasiness and uneasiness at the moment. He finally said the words that he had rehearsed countless times in his heart, "Yuanyuan, marry me. Together, we will live in Australia."

Maybe it was because the diamond ring was too bright, Bai Xiaoyuan felt her eyes were sore, she shook her head slightly, "Tang Yuan, I can't go to Australia with you. Why don't we get married here, as we said, one year later , let’s find a small city.”

"One year?" Tang Yuan raised his head and asked her, "Can you guarantee that you will be able to win the best actress in one year? Today you swear that you won't lose to Liya. Yuanyuan, the best actress and me, the trophy and me, who is important?"

Bai Xiaoyuan opened his mouth, feeling at a loss, "I...I must get the best actress. After I get it, you are the most important."

Tang Yuan took back the hand that put the ring on Bai Xiaoyuan, "My mental state is no longer suitable for staying in this entertainment circle, I can't give you a year."

"Is there no compromise?" Bai Xiaoyuan held Tang Yuan's retracted hand, "You go to Australia and wait for me first, and when I win the actress here, I will go find you."

Tang Yuan suffered a seizure and was very disappointed, "Yuanyuan, you still don't understand, it's not that I can't wait for you, but in your heart, I'm no match for a title or a trophy. Maybe in the end, we won't Not fellow travelers."

"Let's go." After Tang Yuan said this, he turned around heavily, leaving only Bai Xiaoyuan's back.

Bai Xiaoyuan seemed to be nailed in place, unable to move at all.

Tang Yuan's voice was hoarse, "If you still don't leave, I'll add a ticket to Australia."

Bai Xiaoyuan silently shed two lines of tears, finally turned around, and walked towards the door with heavy steps.

Every step she took was like an ice skate, scratching heavily on Tang Yuan's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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