Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 200 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 12

Chapter 200 Daoist Feed Me Meat 12
When Bai Xiaoyuan woke up, it was already dark, and a lamp was lit in the room.

She raised her hand, rubbed her heart, and suddenly heard Feng Qingzi's voice, "Are you awake?"

Without even thinking about it, Bai Xiaoyuan turned back into a little tiger with a swipe and refused to talk.

I sneaked out and was injured by the enchantment. I thought it was funny. The old Taoist must think it was even more funny. He didn't speak, he refused to speak.

Seeing that she had turned back into a tiger, Feng Qingzi couldn't help laughing, collapsed, melted a talisman into the water, and carried it in.

"Come on, drink it."

The little tiger raised his eyebrows, "What did you give me to drink?"

"It's for the gods."

"Oh." The little tiger stuck out his tongue and head to lick it, and complained, "It's the same as ordinary water, it's no different."

Feng Qingzi had no choice but to get up and brought a plate of wild jujube cake, she took a sip of water, and he fed him a piece of pastry.

The little tiger ate very happily, and lay on his back on the bed after finishing his work, touching his belly.

Her appearance is so absurdly cute, Feng Qingzi can't help but think of the day she was hanging around his neck, asking himself if she was cute.

When he thought about it, he immediately froze in place, his heart beating non-stop, Wuliang Tianzun, what was he thinking.

He immediately withdrew his mind, put the bowl and plate on the tray, and took them out together.

Seeing that he didn't scold her, the little tiger gained some confidence and shouted, "Hey, Feng Qingzi, let me discuss something with you."

This was the first time she called her own name, and her voice was sweeter than any woman he had ever known.Feng Qingzi paused and said, "Please tell me."

The little tiger continued to caress his chubby belly, "I found out that I'm actually not suitable for martial arts, so I don't think I need to go to the dojo with you anymore, why don't you teach me formations and barriers, I think This is more advanced."

Feng Qingzi practiced both internal and external cultivation. He used to have many fellow teachers and sisters, but most of them were internal cultivation.

External training is indeed difficult for women, but internal training is slow, and it is not something that can be accomplished in three to five years.But this tiger... seems to be proficient in this way in his talent.Besides, her great career could not be achieved overnight.

"Forget it, you can follow me to learn internal cultivation." Feng Qingzi replied, and there was no more to say, as if he was going to meditate again.

The little tiger heard someone come in to collect the tray, it must be Feng Qingzi's little apprentice.

She didn't feel safe, and jumped out all of a sudden, throwing the little Taoist priest to the ground.

This time the reliable Xuan Su did not come, but the unreliable Xuan Zhen came.

Xuanzhen talks a lot and likes to be startled and surprised. When he is thrown down unexpectedly, he screams in fright. When he sees it is a little tiger, he rushes to please him, "Don't bite me, don't bite me, mistress, don't bite me."

"What do you call me?" Little Tiger felt that this name was quite new, "Can Taoist priests also take wives?"

Feng Qingzi managed to enter the meditation state, but was interrupted by Xuanzhen Xiaoer.

He snorted heavily, "Shut up and get out."

Xuanzhen realized that he had said the wrong thing again, and hurriedly raised his hand to cover his mouth.

The little tiger also realized that he had said something wrong, so he quickly raised his paw to cover his mouth.

Xuan Zhen packed up the tray and walked out the door.

Seeing that the little tiger was also following him to the door, he hurriedly chased her away, thinking, Master told me to go out, it was not you, if you followed me, I would be in trouble.

Seeing Xuanzhen like this, the little tiger thought it was very funny, so he wanted to tease him.

Seeing that he was about to follow out of the room, Feng Qingzi said, "Xiaobai, come back."

(End of this chapter)

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