Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 202 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 14

Chapter 202 Daoist Feed Me Meat 14
Bai Xiaoyuan felt that he was being watched, and his eyes came from the top of his head.

She also realized that she was in a human body at the moment, and what was embarrassing was that she was actively sticking to Feng Qingzi's body, and there were two other Dugua people present.

"Ahem," she had a thick skin, and waved her hands at Xuan Su and Xuan Zhen shamelessly, "You guys... go down, it's none of your business here."

Xuan Su and Xuan Zhen left Feng Qingzi's bedroom as if they were about to receive an amnesty. Of course, they did not forget to close the door.

"Go down." Feng Qingzi said after the two disciples left.

Bai Xiaoyuan jumped down, pouted, "Just go down, why are you so ruthless?"

"Don't do this again in the future." Feng Qingzi looked at Bai Xiaoyuan squarely, serious and serious.

Bai Xiaoyuan got excited, "But I'm just a tiger. I'm still young. I'm only two hundred years old. You're so old and an adult. What's wrong with you hugging me to sleep? I used to be a tiger parent and a tiger mother. Yes, woo woo, now I have no memory, and I don’t know where my tiger parents are, how they are, and whether they are still alive and healthy. I just miss them, and I only come to hug them because I miss their warm embrace. You, woo woo"

Okay, why are you crying again?
Feng Qingzi lost to her tears.

He coaxed bluntly, "Don't cry."


"Xiaobai, you are obedient. Don't cry, I will give you fruit to eat."


"Pindao will give you a smooth hair."

"Okay." Stop crying.

Afterwards, the two finally reached an agreement that if she misses her parents and wants to be intimate, she can come to him, but the premise is that she must become a tiger.

Feng Qingzi had to go to meditate and recite scriptures, otherwise he might not be able to sleep tonight.

Bai Xiaoyuan was devouring a meal like a tiger, this tiger is so fucking edible.

Eating miscellaneous things indiscriminately, the result is that Bai Xiaoyuan has a stomachache in the middle of the night.

She went to the toilet several times, and when she came back, she was close to collapse, but her stomach still hurt intermittently.

Feng Qingzi was helpless, he had already given up his bed to her before, and he was just making do with Luo Hantao, now he had to go to the bed in the inner room to take care of her.

With her current condition, she no longer had the strength to take human form again, so Feng Qingzi held the little tiger in her arms and rubbed her stomach.

With this kneading, he kneaded until dawn.

The little tiger opened his sleepy eyes and found that her stomach didn't hurt anymore, but the big palm was still rubbing her stomach back and forth. She called out 'Taoist', but Feng Qingzi didn't answer.

She twisted her chubby body to look over, only to find that he had fallen asleep.

Bai Xiaoyuan suddenly realized that it was not bad just being raised by this old Taoist priest.

He has good looks, although his personality is rigid, he is an old cadre, but he is kind-hearted and easy to bully, at least he will not take advantage of her, and he will give her what he wants.

Well, it's a good meal ticket!
The little tiger slipped into Feng Qingzi's arms, and entangled him with all four legs.

It was no surprise that Bai Xiaoyuan found out that he had gained weight again!

Fortunately, the fat one is only the real body, because the human body is an illusion, so it hasn't changed much.

As usual, Feng Qingzi used the dinner with her disciples, and her dinner was brought by Xuan Zhen.

Every time I see Xuanzhen Bai Xiaoyuan, I am always very happy, because Xuanzhen is very fun.

She is a tiger and lives in the deep mountains. She used to major in wood-type magic arts, but she has been taught by Feng Qingzi in the past few days, and her skills have improved a lot.So when Xuanzhen came in, he was bitten by the enchanted threshold of Feng Qingzi's bedroom, and almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Don't be stingy and give it to me

(End of this chapter)

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