Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 208 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 20

Chapter 208 Daoist Feed Me Meat 20
"Fuck you, do you think I'm a fool? Of course I know it can't be eaten." Bai Xiaoyuan took out a handkerchief from Feng Qingzi's sleeve, wiped his mouth, "I'm looking at your hand on the purse."

"You can't eat money either." Xuan Su became even more anxious and hid the money bag inside.

Bai Xiaoyuan was in a hurry, and shook Feng Qingzi's arm, "Look, Daoist, Xuansu thinks I'm a fool, he deliberately treats me as a fool, you have to punish him for copying the scriptures and memorizing the scriptures, and he is not allowed to leave the room for a month after thinking about it One step to the door."

Feng Qingzi withdrew her arm and glanced at her, "It's messing around again, what do you want money for?"

"What do you think?" Bai Xiaoyuan rubbed his stomach, lowered his voice, extremely wronged, "Have you all forgotten that I am a tiger? I am a tiger and I obediently ate vegetarian food at Baiyunguan for half a month. If I go out, my kind will laugh my ass off. Now that I’ve finally gone down the mountain, can’t you let me eat some meat?”

She glanced at a roast chicken at the leading table, and her saliva was about to flow down.

Feng Qingzi thought about it carefully, and what she said was reasonable, so she told Xuansu, "Give her some money."

Only then did Xuan Su hand over a small piece of silver, exhorting and exhorting, "This is not edible."

Bai Xiaoyuan took the money, and snatched a house number and key from him by the way, "Bring it here."

With that said, he bounced to the counter.

Feng Qingzi worried that she had never dealt with humans before, and was even more worried that she would go to the wrong room, so she ordered Xuanzhen to follow her until she was sent back to her room.

After a while, Xuanzhen came back to report.

"Master, Miss Bai ordered a chicken and a jug of wine, and then went back to her room."

Feng Qingzi felt something was wrong, "Just a chicken?"

"Yes." Xuanzhen was categorical, and he also felt strange at first, that this foodie only wanted a chicken?

He rubbed the back of his head and forcefully explained, "Maybe it's to save money for Master."

Feng Qingzi's brows tightened, "Should I be short of this money for my teacher?"

Xuan Zhen hurriedly waved his hands, "Not bad, not bad, any one of your treasures is priceless, a few roast chickens are nothing."

Feng Qingzi hummed, "Don't speculate," and ordered, "Xuan Su, you stay here and watch her, Xuan Zhen comes with me."

This town is a town closer to Ten Thousand Village. Recently, there have been frequent incidents in Ten Thousand Village. It would be good if we could collect some first-hand information in this town.

Therefore, Feng Qingzi took Xuanzhen to the medical hall and Yizhuang, and when he returned to the inn, it was already the willow shoots on the moon.

Xuanzhen led the way to the guest room on the second floor.

After entering the corridor, turn left and go in, and from a distance, I saw Xuan Su hovering at the door of the room.

Naturally, Feng Qingzi also saw it. Although he didn't speak, he quickened his pace.

When he got close to Xuan Su's body, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Xuan Su lowered his head, "Miss Bai ordered a lot of wine and kept talking nonsense. Disciple, I don't know what to do, so I wait here for Master to come back."

Feng Qingzi nodded, "Give me the house number, you two go to rest first."

Xuan Su obediently handed over the house number and key, and went back to her own room with Xuan Zhen.

Seeing them entering the room, Feng Qingzi knocked on the door.

He knocked three times and got no response, but he heard the tiger inside shouting, so he pushed the door open and let himself in without being invited.

(End of this chapter)

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