Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 213 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 25

Chapter 213 Daoist Feed Me Meat 25
As soon as Bai Xiaoyuan finished speaking, he really felt that he was gouged out by the sharp eyes of the giant wolf.

With such a humane operation, she immediately concluded that the wolf was a demon.

Bai Xiaoyuan discussed with Julang, "Brother Wolf, if you have something to say, please don't show your teeth, okay? Can you become a human first?"

As she spoke, she rolled her eyes, but the man from last night was gone, but there was still blood on her feet.

She was shocked, "Where is the man with me? You ate him?"

Bai Xiaoyuan frowned, holding the grass was the person he saved last night at the risk of his life, was he swallowed by this wolf while sleeping?
She frowned angrily and clenched her fists.

The giant wolf noticed the change in her facial expression and the small movements of her hands, and couldn't help sneering, "Why, are you trying to deal with me again now?"

The playful male voice, as soon as the words fell, Bai Xiaoyuan felt his neck loosen, and then it became cold, and immediately changed into a sharp piece of giant wolf fingernails against his neck, and the giant wolf turned into a human form in an instant.

Under the cover of a long silver hair, his facial contours are deep, and his eyebrows and eyes are full of domineering coquettishness.

He approached Bai Xiaoyuan, and his sharp claws penetrated a little into her skin, with a strange expression on his face, "Anyone who knows my secret will die."

"What... what do you mean?" Bai Xiaoyuan was puzzled, "I don't know anything."

Her gaze was attracted by his bleeding right foot, and she immediately reacted.

"You are the injured man last night? Are you a demon?" But last night that man had black hair, and she couldn't tell that he was a demon at all.

"Hush~" He squinted his eyes, his sexy throat moved up and down, "Look, you already know too much, Fairy."

"I'm not a fairy girl!" Bai Xiaoyuan wanted to explain, but when she moved, the sharp claws cut her skin, and blood flowed out instantly.

"You misunderstood, even if you are a monster, I am not a threat to you, because I am not a Taoist nun at all. I am not a monster catcher. I beat those two monsters last night just to save you. In fact, I am also A monster." Bai Xiaoyuan was afraid that he would not believe her, so she raised her eyebrows vigorously. After three or two strokes, she felt tiger ears popping out of her head, "Look, look, I am really a monster. If you let me go, I can become a monster." Let me show you the original form."

His long and narrow eyes narrowed, "But you don't have any evil spirit on you."

"Probably, maybe, maybe it's because I stayed in the Taoist temple some time ago." Bai Xiaoyuan smiled at him, "So the evil spirit on my body has been purified."

"Taoist temple?" He was even more puzzled, and then asked, "Which Taoist temple?"

"Feiyun Mountain, Baiyun Temple!" Bai Xiaoyuan replied quickly.

Hearing this, he finally let go, "Feng Qingzi?"

"Yes, yes, that's him, do you know him?"

He didn't reply, and looked sideways at Bai Xiaoyuan, "You are not wearing ordinary things, since Feng Qingzi treats you so well, why did you come here?"

Bai Xiaoyuan sighed, "Hey, who can have nothing personal? In other words, strictly speaking, I saved you last night, so I don't care if you repay me with revenge. I can ask you something son?"

"What's the matter?" He retracted his claws, polished his sharp-edged nails with downcast eyes, and asked casually.

"I think you look awesome. You must be well-informed. I want to ask you if you know any tiger spirits nearby, preferably white tiger spirits, and ordinary spotted tigers are fine."

He turned to look at her, "Looking for relatives?"

"Wow, you're pretty smart. So can you help me?"

He smiled, and said in a cold voice, "I know where the White Tiger Spirit is, but I advise you, don't go to die."

(End of this chapter)

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