Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 216 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 28

Chapter 216 Daoist Feed Me Meat 28
Xuelang ignored Bai Xiaoyuan's complaints.

He just asked inexplicably, "Are you still satisfied?"

Bai Xiaoyuan raised his eyebrows, picked a leaf and spread it in his palm, within a short while, a vine grew on his hand, "Not bad, not bad, only two leaves grew a while ago."

"That's good, you and I are clear, don't follow me anymore." Xuelang took one last look at Bai Xiaoyuan, and disappeared in front of Bai Xiaoyuan like a tornado.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Bai Xiaoyuan fluttered the dead leaves and dust in his mouth, "Dead wolf, go away and make such a big noise! ​​Do you really think I can't handle you, go away, go away, See how far you can go."

Touching her smooth wrist, fortunately she was excited enough just now, and at that critical moment, she used blood pearls to tie the snow wolf.

Bai Xiaoyuan was not in a hurry, just wandering around in the woods, seeing any edible fruit, even if it was a detour, she would pick a few to taste, even the mushrooms on the ground.

What is this? These are authentic mountain delicacies. Although they are definitely not tasty to eat raw, but if you take them down the mountain and send them to restaurants to cook with chicken, duck and fish, the taste will be amazing...

Just thinking about it, Bai Xiaoyuan felt that his mouth was full of saliva, and he was extremely happy.

Just as I was immersed in it, I suddenly heard a deep roar from above my head, "What exactly do you want?"

It turned out that the snow wolf knew that he had been caught by the little tiger, turned into a strong wind and ran for a while, but he couldn't move forward no matter what.

He himself waited there for a long time but did not see the little tiger catching up, so he had to go back the same way.

Seeing this little tiger leisurely nibbling wild pears at this moment, he was so angry that his anger rose to a height of three feet, and he knocked the half-bitten pear off her hand to the ground, " You are a tiger, and you can eat this kind of stuff so happily? Why are you looking for relatives, aren't you afraid of embarrassing your people?"

Bai Xiaoyuan was taken aback by Xuelang's words, and blinked, "You are insane! You don't care what I eat! I like to eat vegetarian and not meat, so it's in the way of you?"

"Listen to me, I don't care what you eat!" Snow Wolf stretched out his fist towards Bai Xiaoyuan, "It's time to return your magic weapon to its original owner."

Bai Xiaoyuan snorted, and said proudly, "I think it's for something, you run very fast, run again if you have the ability, what, you still can't escape my palm when you arrive. Ben Hu is in a good mood today, I will let you wear this string of pearls for a few days, and when you arrive at Wuding Mountain, I won’t give it to you if you want to wear it!”

Snow Wolf squinted his eyes, "I kindly persuade you, but you treat yourself like a donkey. Since you insist on following me, don't blame me for getting your inner alchemy by other monsters."

Bai Xiaoyuan took two deep breaths, presumably that place is really dangerous, otherwise this guy wouldn't be so annoyed.

But in the words of the system, isn't this the wonderful place?
She cheered herself up, "I have to walk the road, I have to go up the mountain, even if my fate is there, it has nothing to do with you, lead the way!"

"You! You are so courageous." Xue Lang glanced at her, his silver hair raised angrily, "Do you know what happened to the last monster who bossed me around?"

 Today's 10th update, let's see if everyone is doing well, if the results of the listing are not good, it will be like this today.4-6 tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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