Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 218 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 30

Chapter 218 Daoist Feed Me Meat 30
Only then did Bai Xiaoyuan react.

Just to say, why every time he climbed to a mountain, the wolf had to wait and see for a long time pretending to be X, and then as long as he led her to the place, there would be monsters in ten out of ten. road.

No, no, if this continues, this delicate bone will not fall apart!

Bai Xiaoyuan turned into a human body, walked over and grabbed Xuelang's hind legs, "Okay, don't look, just follow the direction of Wuding Mountain and plunge into it, won't it be over?"

Snow Wolf's icy voice came over, "Don't force me to kick you."

Bai Xiaoyuan snorted out of his nose, and began to observe carefully himself.

But she was a little afraid of heights, afraid that she would fall, so she had to reach out and grab the snow wolf's fur.

Snow Wolf was in pain, "Could you stop pulling so tightly?"

Bai Xiaoyuan was concentrating on sensing the evil spirit and had no time to talk to Snow Wolf.

Snow Wolf had no choice but to turn into a human and grabbed her wrist.

Bai Xiaoyuan closed his eyes tightly, only felt that the mountain to the west was beautiful and clear, without any turbidity, but the mountain to the east was full of evil spirits.

After she finished her investigation, she opened her eyes suddenly, and saw that Xuelang had turned into a human and stood beside her, and subconsciously held his hand, "Brother Wolf, don't you think this is strange? It’s not small, how could it be possible that it doesn’t even have any demonic aura, and the one to the east is too terrifying.”

Snow Wolf's eyes touched the hands they were holding, and he was absent-minded for a moment.

"Brother Wolf, Snow Wolf?" Bai Xiaoyuan pulled out her hand, shaking it again and again in front of his eyes.

Xuelang came back to his senses and said plainly, "If you see Wuding Mountain, you won't feel the horror now."

Bai Xiaoyuan frowned, "Okay! Then let's go west." Saying that, he rushed west.

Snow Wolf helplessly helped Fu's forehead, pulled her back, pointed to the east where the evil spirit was soaring, "That's the direction to Wuding Mountain."

"We were watching the sunrise together on the top of the mountain just now. Let's see what time it is. Now it's dark all over the sky, and the evil spirit is really too strong. There is still time for us to leave now."

Bai Xiaoyuan stretched out his hand, barely seeing his five fingers.

Just as she was worrying, a bright white lightning suddenly pierced the sky, scaring her so much that she leaned towards Snow Wolf.

Xuelang resisted at first, but seeing that her expression was really not very good, he still hugged her shoulders to give her some spiritual support and comfort.

There were two more thunderclaps, and the huge lightning almost tore through the night sky. Then the black mist in the forest slowly dissipated, and everything around it became brighter.

Bai Xiaoyuan didn't understand, so, "What's the matter?"

"It should be someone fighting with a demon."

"Fighting method?" For some reason, Feng Qingzi's face immediately appeared in Bai Xiaoyuan's mind. She turned her head and asked Xuelang, "Do you know which direction Wanwan Town is in?"

Snow Wolf also noticed the anxious look in her eyes, and lowered his eyes and said, "I don't know about Wanwan Town, but I know there is a place called Mass Grave."

"The mass grave, the mass grave?" Bai Xiaoyuan rolled his eyes, "It sounds like there is an inseparable connection. Where is the mass grave?"

"You saw it just now." Snow Wolf replied like that.

Bai Xiaoyuan reacted in an instant, "You mean that place full of evil spirits?"

"That's right." Snow Wolf wanted to say something more, but Bai Xiaoyuan ran forward, calling, "Where are you going? It's dangerous!"

(End of this chapter)

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