Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 227 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 39

Chapter 227 Daoist Feed Me Meat 39
Seeing her clutching her chest tightly, Snow Wolf looked worried, "Has the effect of the soul-stripping blood not faded yet? Is that little Taoist nearby? I'll go get you some elixir."

As soon as Snow Wolf finished speaking, the sound of crunching footsteps on the thick fallen leaves could be heard.

He turned his head abruptly, but there was a blindfolded Taoist groping forward.

Xuanzhen heard what Xuelang said just now, touched a big tree trunk, and stopped, "Miss Bai, is it you?"

Bai Xiaoyuan stood up, her body was still a little unsteady, she supported the tree, but didn't try to move forward, she just asked, "Are your eyes still not good?"

Xuanzhen fumbled to take off the cloth strips from his eyes, squinted a little, and replied, "Xiaodao has taken medicine and took a rest, and now he feels much better."

He raised his head and said with a smile, "It's just that the sun is a bit dazzling."

When Bai Xiaoyuan thought of his mission, he became a little upset, "Your master was injured, and your elder brother was captured by a monster again. You have medicine on you, so go find your master."

Hearing what she said, Xuan Zhen finally realized, "Why didn't Miss Bai come here with Master?"

After Xuanzhen finished speaking, he rubbed his eyes, only to realize that a man and a woman in front of him were standing side by side, and the man seemed to be still resting his hand on the little white girl's shoulder.

Xuan Zhen frowned, "Miss Xiaobai, this demon... who is this?"

Bai Xiaoyuan glanced at Xuelang sideways, then smiled and said to Xuanzhen, "Oh, he is my fiancé, our marriage has already been decided by the elders."

Xuan Zhenxin spoke bluntly, without hiding anything, and asked casually, "Then what should Master do?"

Bai Xiaoyuan's fingers tightened tightly, "We're on different paths, I hope we won't see each other again in the future. Let's go."

After all, she pointed Xuan Zhen in a direction.

Seeing this, Snow Wolf sighed softly, his eyes full of pity, he straightened Bai Xiaoyuan's messy hair, and said, "I'd better send you to find Feng Qingzi."

"No!" Bai Xiaoyuan refused resolutely, with firm and decisive eyes, "I'm going to save my father, I want to avenge my mother. You don't have to persuade me anymore. At worst, let's run a few more hills and snatch more monsters. Dan, when I am strong, we will fight back together."

As Bai Xiaoyuan said, he suddenly grabbed Xuelang's arm, and asked him hopefully, "Where's my father's old department? Where's your people? We must not be fighting alone, right?"

"I have a plan. They and I can be wiped out at any time, but your life is not in my plan." Snow Wolf frowned, and twisted out a word, "Xiaobai, I want you to live and live happily , is sincere."

As Xuelang said, he suddenly smiled at Bai Xiaoyuan, that smile was domineering, beautiful, and decisive.

Before Bai Xiaoyuan could react, his vision went dark and he passed out.

Before she closed her eyes, she still didn't say a word, it's your uncle!
The night and the bonfire complement each other.

Under a few thick trees, there is a Taoist priest meditating calmly, an apprentice who is busy making a fire and cooking, and a fat tiger sitting on the Taoist priest's lap.

Such a picture, in this deep mountain and old forest, unexpectedly looks extraordinarily warm.

The little tiger was not very conscious, she could feel her eyes rolling, but she just couldn't wake up.

I only heard a familiar voice coming from my ear.

"Master, did Miss Bai really have a baby kiss since she was a child? Or with a wolf?" It was Xuanzhen who was carefully asking Feng Qingzi.

(End of this chapter)

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