Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 231 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 43

Chapter 231 Daoist Feed Me Meat 43
Xuan Zhen showed his kindness and handed over a few fruits, "Miss Bai, it's not that we insist on following you, we followed that banshee's evil aura, she walked this way, we don't follow this path. If you walk away, the senior brother will not be able to save you."

Bai Xiaoyuan took the fruit, took a look at Xuanzhen, and walked straight to Feng Qingzi who was resting in meditation, "Is what your apprentice said true?"

Feng Qingzi opened his eyes and nodded, "Naturally."

Bai Xiaoyuan sat next to Feng Qingzi to eat the fruit, and said seriously, "Why do I think this road is the same as going to Wuding Mountain? Your body is a treasure. Think about it, that monster would have killed Xuansu long ago." If you killed her, why did you take Xuan Su away, if she set up a trap to wait for you to throw yourself into the trap?"

Feng Qingzi saw that she ate up the fruit for one person after she said a few words, and handed herself over again, "Don't worry, Pindao has notified the people of Daozong. Since your father was imprisoned, Wuding The monsters on the mountain are becoming more and more rampant, Daozong also wants to get rid of them and hurry up."

"Oh, that's okay. If it's just you and your little apprentice, it's dangerous."

"Well, let's go on the road after eating. Let's take a detour to the small town at the foot of the mountain and join the Taoist people." Seeing her sip of juice, Feng Qingzi handed over a plain white handkerchief.

Bai Xiaoyuan got annoyed when he saw the word 'meat' on his chest, turned his head away, "I don't want it, I won't make a detour, I'm not from your Taoist sect, so it's inconvenient to act with you."

"No problem." Feng Qingzi explained, "The Taoist sect also has many female disciples. Even if you accompany you, others will not object."


Seeing that she didn't buy it, Feng Qingzi pulled down his old face and persuaded, "I don't want to sleep in a big comfortable bed, don't I want Pindao to smooth your hair for you?"

When he said this, it was really hard to sleep on the ground, even if he asked Xuanzhen to spread many leaves for himself every night, it would still be better to sleep on a soft bed.

But what if he sleeps together, and at night, the beast will take out his heart?
No, no, no, no, no, no no!

Bai Xiaoyuan stood up and continued on his way without looking back.

Xuanzhen saw that his master was frowning into a ball, and immediately shouted to Bai Xiaoyuan's back, "Miss Bai, the restaurant in the town has roast duck, roast chicken, pork belly, candied lotus root, rice cake, and fermented glutinous rice balls."

Bai Xiaoyuan silently took two steps back, walked up to Xuanzhen, "I'm reluctant, let's walk with you."

Feng Qingzi discovered early on that in Tiger Xiaobai's eyes, he might as well eat food.

But recently, she has gradually become unwilling to even look at herself.

She wasn't like this before.

In the past, she liked to sit on the threshold, wait for him to return to his room after his lecture, eat with him, and grab his vegetarian food.

A few times when he wanted to talk to her, she deliberately turned her head away, but the conversation with Xuanzhen was very pleasant.

Along the way, Feng Qingzi went to pick the fruit several times in person and wanted to hand it to her, but she always avoided it.Now I have to make a plan with fellow Taoists, and I have no other skills, so I have to ask Xuanzhen to take care of her more.

She always wears a big cloak when she walks, and she seldom shows her true face. The other Taoist priests don't like her hiding style, and she always feels uncomfortable in the same frame as them.

So on the first day in town, I went to have a good time.

At night, he got drunk and went back to the enclosed yard.

Xuanzhen didn't dare to let others see that he brought a drunken girl back at night, and it happened that the master's room was arranged in the west wing alone, anyway, this guy used to sleep with the master, so he took her away secretly Feng Qingzi's room.

(End of this chapter)

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