Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 239 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 51

Chapter 239 Daoist Feed Me Meat 51
Feng Qingzi's smell of flesh and blood attracted birds and beasts in the mountain stream.

There are so many, it may be difficult to parry.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Feng Qingzi drew a barrier to hide himself and Bai Xiaoyuan in it.

Bai Xiaoyuan tried to move his novice arm, and it turned out to be more flexible than the original arm.

She is very happy that she doesn't have to be a disabled tiger in the future, but she loves Feng Qingzi very much.

After the wound on Feng Qingzi's body was healed, those birds and beasts came one after another, some of them fought and cannibalized each other on the spot.

Seeing that he and Feng Qingzi were not in danger for the time being, Bai Xiaoyuan relaxed his vigilance a little, staring at the obtrusive word on his heart and said, "Master Daoist, I'm a little scared. I'm afraid I'm not worth it to you."

She suddenly raised her eyes to look into his eyes, "Prince Daoist, why don't you go away, you forget about me, you go to become a fairy."

Feng Qingzi's throat choked, "But it's too late."

"Why? We didn't do anything we shouldn't."

Feng Qingzi lowered his eyes in shame, "Pindao has committed the crime of killing."

"Are you talking about those monsters just now? That doesn't count. If you didn't kill them just now, they would eat your meat, and they will continue to eat other people when they come out of the mountain." Bai Xiaoyuan was afraid that Feng Qingzi would admit his death, so he worked hard lobbying.

Feng Qingzi let out a long sigh, "A few months ago, Pindao was invited to go down the mountain to subdue the demons. If you count your fingers, your life is at stake. Pindao is ashamed, and he has no skills. You and the others, Pindao can only save one."

Bai Xiaoyuan's tears were blurred, and he answered his words, "Go and hug me back."

He continued to look directly at him and said, "Pindao didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. Dozens of lives have been made, and Pindao has already made a big mistake. I only hope that before the fire of karma burns, I can help you fulfill your wish."

"I don't understand, am I missing any memory? We knew each other before this?" Bai Xiaoyuan always felt that some parts were broken and could not be connected.

"Xiaobai, you and me"

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of a large group of people approaching.

It was people from Daozong who arrived.

Feng Qingzi immediately closed the barrier, and stood out together with Bai Xiaoyuan.

When the Taoist people saw the two ears on Bai Xiaoyuan's head, they knew she was a monster.

Feng Qingzi explained, "She is the daughter of the White Tiger King."

Immediately another Taoist priest with white beard asked, "Can I trouble this tiger to lead the way for the poor Taoist?"

Feng Qingzi looked at Bai Xiaoyuan, and Bai Xiaoyuan nodded.

There are so many monsters in Wuding Mountain, it's not suitable for everyone to disperse. Bai Xiaoyuan combined the power of everyone to control the miasma in the mountain, and used it as a barrier to lead the large army forward.The birds and beasts in the mountain sensed that the miasma was poisonous, and they avoided it one after another. If any desperate patrolling monster rushed over, they would only end up being subdued.

Although Spotted Tiger didn't capture Feng Qingzi and Bai Xiaoyuan alive, he got an arm from Bai Xiaoyuan.

Immediately, he took Bai Xiaoyuan's severed arm and went to negotiate with the White Tiger King, trying to trick him into handing over the method to open the secret room.

The White Tiger King is thoughtful, and he will never let go until he sees a living person.

The spotted tiger was furious, and heard the report from the little demon. The little white tiger led the Daozong people up the mountain, and the beast's blood boiled immediately.

Xuelang was severely injured by Feng Qingzi, and some monsters in the old White Tiger King's department had heard the news of Xuelang's rebellion, so they elected a new leader at a critical moment, before Bai Xiaoyuan and Daozong had a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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