Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 251 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 8

Chapter 251 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 8
Lu Jun was stunned by his electric shock just now, and he has not yet woken up, but now he was awakened by the trampling. When he opened his eyes, he saw the nostrils of the instigator, furious, and looked around for a weapon.

Xu Xiaojing hurriedly held Lu Jun down, and raised her head angrily to reason with the man, "He has already been hurt by you, what else do you want?"

He looked down at the two of them, and ruthlessly kicked Lu Jun on the shoulder, "I, hold grudges."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that his wrist was being grabbed by someone. It was so strong that he couldn't break free no matter how hard he struggled.

Recalling the scene of his arrest in the early hours of the morning, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, then turned to look at Bai Xiaoyuan who was wearing rubber gloves, "You?"

Bai Xiaoyuan hooked his lips, "How?"

"Very good." He suddenly hooked his lips into a smile, and his eyes were slightly bent, like two waning moons hanging in the sky.Unexpectedly, he changed his normal attitude of always despising people before, and stared at Bai Xiaoyuan seriously, "I like it."

He said these three words lightly, but Bai Xiaoyuan felt hairy in his heart, pulled him away with all his strength, and threw him aside, "Since you have already responded with an eye for an eye, then the road is facing the sky, and each of you will go on one side."

He was staggered by Bai Xiaoyuan's strong throw, but he still stood firmly. Not only did he not walk away, but he even leaned forward and said expressionlessly, "Push me again."

Bai Xiaoyuan felt that he was fucking a dog and ran into a psychopath.

Lu Jun couldn't stand it for a long time, talked to Xu Xiaojing in a low voice, pointed to his head, and asked, "Is there something wrong with him?"

Before Xu Xiaojing said a word, the man put away his uncontrollable excited expression, and immediately changed into an iceberg face, his eyes were cold, and he shot at Lu Jun like a knife.

When Lu Jun saw the man's fingertips, little sparks sparkled.He immediately coughed twice in embarrassment and didn't speak again.

He looked at Bai Xiaoyuan again, without opening his mouth, Bai Xiaoyuan guessed that he was going to repeat what he said just now, and was about to give him a hand knife to make him quiet.

But at this moment, Liu Xiao who came back from patrol suddenly shouted confidently, "Is this the cat you are looking for?"

When everyone heard the words, they all looked in Liu Xiao's direction.

I saw Liu Xiao raised his muscular forearm, holding a black cat in his hand, drooping his head, looking not very good.

"Yes, this is my cat, Mu Tian." The man said, and finally left Bai Xiaoyuan's side, and took a few steps forward.

Liu Xiao shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know that this person had supernatural powers, but seeing that he had been released by Bai Ying and he was unarmed, he must not be a big threat, so he walked over with the cat's body, feeling a little regretful. , "Sorry, when I found your Mutian, it was already dead."

He reached out to take it.

Liu Xiao didn't give it to him, "It's not that there are no examples of animals transforming into zombies. I suggest blowing its head, otherwise this beast may be more difficult to deal with than real zombies by running around and jumping around."

He didn't answer, but slowly raised his eyelids and glanced at Liu Xiao.

Bai Xiaoyuan just yelled, "Don't get close to him."

Before Liu Xiao could speak, the man put his hand on Liu Xiao's shoulder, and within two seconds, Liu Xiao was jolted up by the electric shock.

Bai Xiaoyuan immediately ran over, pulled the man's arm away, and gritted his teeth to warn, "You have enough time. I don't kill people randomly, but if you touch my people, I won't have so many rules here."

The man snorted coldly, ignored Bai Xiaoyuan, and dragged the dead cat out of Liu Xiao's hand.

He held the dead cat in his arms, just like holding his own child, concentrating on it, his eyes were even filled with tenderness, and he followed the dead cat's fur.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the dead cat suddenly opened its eyes, bared its teeth and gave a 'meow' at everyone.

This cat is different from ordinary cats. The color of its pupils and paws is very strange, not normal, but more similar to those zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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