Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 261 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 19

Chapter 261 This Zombie Prince’s Late Stage of Disease 19
"What time is it, and you are still here."

Zhang Laowu cast a glance at Lu Jun with resentment, "I said boy, the most important thing now is to find a way to leave."

Seeing the zombies who heard the sound getting closer and gathering more and more, Lu Jun was very frustrated, "Fifth Master, you are my master, tell me how to leave now, can you untie this rope?" ?”

There was no knife in his hand, of course Zhang Laowu couldn't untie it, so he turned to ask Liu Xiao, "Is there anything you can do?"

Liu Xiao couldn't help it, he was trying to break free from the rope with his bare hands, his face turned red, but the rope didn't loosen at all.

A zombie had already walked over from Xiao Hei's end, and he kicked him three steps away.

The zombie was kicked to the ground, and instead of standing up, it crawled forward and grabbed Lu Jun's feet.

Lu Jun's leg bounced heavily. As he resisted, his leg was bleeding. The smell of fresh flesh and blood made other zombies start to move, and even quickened their pace.

Lu Jun took a deep breath, as if giving up struggling, and suddenly repeated to Xu Xiaojing, "Xiaojing, listen to me, I..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw that the zombie grabbing his foot seemed to be frozen, motionless.

Looking at the other zombies around, they all look like they have been pasted with amulets.

"What's the situation?" Lu Jun was dumbfounded, and asked Xu Xiaojing who was on the side, "Am I dreaming?"

Xu Xiaojing also looked blank, "What about me, am I in your dream, or are you in mine?"

Lu Jun shook his head, "Xiaojing, I..."

"You guys are so wordy." A cold male voice suddenly interrupted what Lu Jun was about to say at this moment.

When everyone heard the words and looked, they saw a person suddenly appearing behind a tall zombie.

He was holding a cat in his hand, and there was a half-smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's you." Liu Xiao looked him up and down, "Why did you suddenly appear?"

Mu Tian didn't want to answer Liu Xiao's question at all, he just raised his eyes and stared at the zombie beside Liu Xiao.

The zombie suddenly moved, Liu Xiao was startled, and dodged to the side, turning his body sideways.

However, the zombie didn't mean to eat him, but squatted down, and seriously untied Liu Xiao from the rope.

Liu Xiao opened his mouth wide in shock, unable to utter a word.

The zombie's fingers were not very flexible, and he broke two of his fingers when he untied the rope, but he finally untied the rope.

After Liu Xiao regained his freedom, he immediately untied the others, and together with Zhang Laowu, they released Bai Xiaoyuan.

Picking up a gun on the ground, Liu Xiao prepared to kill the zombies in front of him.

"Crossing the river and destroying the bridge so quickly? Humans are indeed the most disgusting creatures." Mu Tian gave Liu Xiao a white look while smoothing the cat's fur.

After hearing this, Zhang Laowu tugged at Liu Xiao's trousers, "Help me." They wanted to lift Bai Xiaoyuan to the flat road.

Xu Xiaojing went to the previous Mercedes-Benz to get her bag, and took a scalpel to fetch bullets for Lu Jun.

When she finished working on Lu Jun's side and was about to see Bai Xiaoyuan, when she looked up, she suddenly found that all the zombies on the side of the road had disappeared, and they were walking towards the distance, and the man had also disappeared.

Xu Xiaojing couldn't help but looked around, and suddenly heard the voice of the man above her head, "Are you looking for me?"

"I, no, you, you haven't left yet." Xu Xiaojing smiled awkwardly, "Thank you."

"No need." Mu Tian pointed to Bai Xiaoyuan who was lying unconscious on the ground, "Thank her if you want, I'm just here to make sure she won't die today."

(End of this chapter)

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