Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 280 This Zombie Prince Is in the Advanced Stage of Disease

Chapter 280 This Zombie Prince Is in the Advanced Stage of Disease

Bai Xiaoyuan was forced to back away until it was impossible to retreat.

"I thought all the criminals in this world would no longer exist. It wasn't until I met you and boarded that helicopter that I realized that the most damned people are still alive."

"I don't understand you."

"Don't you think it's very quiet now?"

Yes, the way she came back was very quiet, and no one else made any noise except herself.

"Those so-called leaders, the so-called upper-class elites of society, want to live forever. Do you know how many lives they have in their hands? I thought that these longevity enzymes would only be injected into their bodies, but I didn't expect that Mu Feng was a variable .Now this world is not what I want, but I suddenly discovered that this is not a bad idea.”

"What are you talking about? X, no! Don't call you X, what's your name? Can you tell me?" Everyone said that a genius is close to a lunatic, and now X, in Bai Xiaoyuan's eyes, is already close to a lunatic.

X shook his head, "I don't have a name. I used to have faith, but when I saw the greed, ugliness, and selfishness of human beings, everything changed. I came back with you just to end their existence."

"Did you never try to make up for this mistake? Immortal enzyme was your work from the beginning!"

"Haven't you seen it clearly? When the virus broke out, the eyes of other people looking at the food in your hand, and in the end they have no food, looking at your naked body? Can't you wake up! This world is dirty! It needs a major cleaning!"

"When all beliefs are subverted, all evils will eventually wake up. Bai Ying, you do not belong to this world, you belong to me."

X spread his arms, "Come to me."

Bai Xiaoyuan felt her brain hurt, she swallowed hard, grabbed a syringe from the laboratory bench, and slowly approached him.

When the corners of his mouth raised slightly and he relaxed his vigilance, she thrust the needle into his neck vigorously.

A helicopter flew away from the huge terrace, and she didn't know which direction she should go.

At worst, it's just a new trip.

"If I have ten faces, then I have ten faces now. What is the ending?" Bai Xiaoyuan sat up from the bed, "I said the system, should I send you somewhere for repairs?"

The low voice of the system sounded, "You are right. On the timeline between me and you, there will be the first intersection immediately. I really can't be with you for a while. You can think that I am going back to the factory for repairs. went!"

"What?" Although he disliked the system just now, Bai Xiaoyuan was still a little subconsciously flustered when he said he was going to leave, "I don't understand what you are talking about, what is the first intersection? Didn't we have an intersection a long time ago?" Did you forget the aunt's towel in the toilet?"

"That's not the initial point." The system chuckled, "Originally we were two timelines, my past is your future. Originally we shouldn't meet at this moment, but many things are destined to happen somewhere. I have suffered many irreversible accidents, and I am very honored and lucky to meet you in this way."

Bai Xiaoyuan was confused, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"You should move forward. Everything that should happen will happen. I just hope that you can bravely face all the grief in the future. Even without my company, you will definitely be able to."

"You... drank too much?"

"No!" said the little fox of the system, and suddenly jumped out, "Have you noticed that I have grown up a bit?"

As it said, it stretched out its paws to show Bai Xiaoyuan.

Bai Xiaoyuan was surprised to find that its fox paws turned into human hands, "I'll go! That's okay too! Is this true!"

She touched it over and over again, and confirmed again and again that it was not a mold, but looked at it carefully, "Oh, there is a red mole on the tiger's mouth, it is quite beautiful."

"As long as you like it."

"Who likes it?" Bai Xiaoyuan cut out, "Are you really going to repair it?"

"Well, but no matter what, I will definitely come back to you, trust me."

Suddenly discovered that Zheng Taiyin seemed to have a little bit of manliness. What's going on?

(End of this chapter)

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