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Chapter 61 Your Majesty, Please Accept My Dowry 38

Chapter 61 Your Majesty, Please Accept My Dowry 38
"Xuan—see you in the imperial study of Ao Zhongtang!"

Li Dequan roared, seeing Oboi walking in, he immediately closed the door of the imperial study.

Then he glanced at Suo'etu who was guarding in the dark, and nodded to him.

Inside the imperial study.

Xuan Ye sat on the dragon chair and flipped through the folds, seeing Oboi coming in, he stopped his movements, "Ao Zhongtang is here, come here, give me a seat."

Aobai glanced at Bai Xiaoyuan, Bai Xiaoyuan nodded slightly, he thanked him, and then sat down.

"I have been ill recently, thanks to Ao Zhongtang sitting in the court." Xuan Ye picked and picked, and there were already three or four papers piled up in front of him.

Aobai didn't change his face, "It is the duty of a veteran to assist the emperor."

Xuan Ye nodded seriously, frowned and said, "Then Ao Zhongtang might as well take a look at these papers. Huh?" Xuan Ye asked someone to pass the papers down.

Aobai casually opened it to look at it, but the more he looked at it, the more he frowned.what happened?How could there be papers to impeach him? Didn't they all be withheld by him?

After reading one after another, Oboi finally got angry and stood up, "Your Majesty! They are slandering! The old minister is loyal to my Qing Dynasty. In the early years, he offended many Dorgon's subordinates in order to take over the land. I am afraid that he has become a slanderer!" The thorn in some people's eyes, the thorn in their flesh, how can the emperor believe the slander of these people!"

Xuan Ye narrowed his eyes.

Obai continued, "The emperor is still too young to be manipulated by others! Wait for the old ministers to investigate these treacherous ministers carefully, and then explain to the emperor!"

Xuan Ye curled the corner of his mouth coldly, "Then Ao Zhongtang will come to see this excerpt again?"

There was no need for anyone to give this booklet, Xuan Ye threw it over.

Aobai caught the folder, opened it, and was furious, he tore up the folder in front of Xuan Ye, "It's unreasonable, it's nonsense to commit crimes!" These 24 crimes were obviously for killing Suksaha Prepared, how could Suksaha be one step ahead of him and put him on this charge!

Could it be that someone dared to betray him!But those are all his confidantes who have been with him for many years!
Seeing Oboi tearing up the paper in front of him, Xuan Ye felt angry in his heart, and wanted to bear it, but it was inevitable that he still showed anger.I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath, and said slowly,

"Recently, I got a few jars of high-quality golden altar sparrow tongue, just enough to dispel the fire. Come and serve tea."

Xuan Ye raised his hand and pointed to the seat, "Ao Zhongtang, please sit down."

Aobai knew that he was acting recklessly, but the little emperor still had nothing to do with him, so he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and sat down swaggeringly.

When the tea was served, Oboi gave Bai Xiaoyuan a wink, and Bai Xiaoyuan nodded.Holding the tea, he deliberately paused in front of Aobai.

Aobai looked at the cup carefully, but he didn't find any marks like little red dots, so he nodded.

Bai Xiaoyuan brought up two cups of tea.

Xuanye saw that this was not the cup he had prepared in advance, and immediately became furious, "What's the matter with you, has no one taught you how to behave? My favorite is the blue and white porcelain tea set, go down and let Li Dequan make another pot of tea over here !"

Aobai sneered in his heart, hum, your poisoned tea was dropped by Lao Tzu's people, hahaha.

But seeing the little emperor slumped in front of him again, Oboi's mood immediately improved a lot, he waved his hand, and said, "The emperor calms down, the gold altar sparrow tongue is rare, why waste it, did you just say, the emperor, this tea dispels the fire Well, the old minister really wants to try it."

Obai waved to Bai Xiaoyuan, "Come, let me have a taste."

Seeing that Oboi had completely let go of his vigilance, Xuan Ye had no choice but to pretend to be annoyed but had to compromise, and winked at Bai Xiaoyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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